What shitcoin do you think I am peddling? I don't hold BCH.
BitcoinCash is superior software, Bitcoin has the volume. It's a horrible business model to fix scaling and then correlate with your previously forked chain in mid-market price with a bad logo and low popularity.
I'm not into it. Lol.
Bitcoin can be stolen using conventional methods, the result can be the same or it can stay in circulation illegally in some countries.
The mining hashrate is at ATH due to excessive buildup of miners and mining products in the hopes for a bull market during an economic collapse. Greed equates to ignorance, let's just call it extreme ignorance.
In most instances it's cheaper to buy Bitcoin than to mine it. If you don't know that, you don't know jack.
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BCH improved multiple features of Bitcoin while maintaining most of the original code.
First of all, it scales. Second, it's somewhat faster (although still slow AF in my opinion) in block times. BCH has active governance and while their SmartBCH chain is beta at best, they are progressive. It's been adopted by a lot of social media sites as a "cash" form of Bitcoin but that isn't my evaluation; it's still too slow at nearly 2x the speed of BTC and Bitcoin won't scale.
BCH could effectively do what people want BTC to do in the marketplace if they simply swapped the two. I see BCH as a failed marketing model because they are in competition with the correlation of the currency they forked from which doesn't scale, to fix scaling.
PoW in general is outdated. Work smarter, not harder.
Ahh, eCash guy, gotcha. Wait till you learn that PoS doesn't work, that'd be something
*Been using it without fail for years.
*Laughs loudly
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I'll check it out later (tomorrow). Probably a waste of time but I'll humor you.
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I've also written a lot, much of which is not published. A lot is.
I've been happily carrying out this debate for years and I have never lost.
Cryptowriter even paired me against a fellow cryptowriter and he got destroyed in debate, but his maxi followers followed him into a bear market despite it. First time anyone ever called me a tree-hugger for pointing on environmental stress and power costs, was quite comical.
They put that shit in a podcast before the company lost Voice funding while I carried them in views on the Voice v1 platform. I also helped launch the v2 NFT model, which I now regret for how they treated writers on v1.
I hate Daniel Larimer; pretty sure it was me tilting him for being a moron about macroeconomics that helped cause the shift costing hundreds of millions of dollars to the Voice v2 platform. His suggestions were on crack, he made himself an easy target. I didn't even know he called himself an economist and told him to consult an economist given his economic means. Lmfao.
Awkward way to meet a billionaire. But, he does a lot of awkward shit.
@k00b, nope, it only lets me reply to the first reply to the comment I want to reply to
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I think you and @DiracDelta would have fun debating, your levels of confidence in what you talk about seem similar :)
ps. this is your work? https://read.cash/@ThomasWolf
not using excessive power to achieve the same or lesser than amount of encryption to provide a cryptocurrency that works and works well
if you think PoS doesn't work you're literally braindead
"Bitcoin maxi's are the flat earther's of crypto." -Allen Taylor
before you even start - I HATE Ethereum. I turned down a copywriter position with LUKSO and positions with EOS before that.
I am not promoting anything, simply making a point.
Been a writer and crypto user for years, still doesn't know that PoW or PoS don't provide any encryption. Respectfully, humble yourself, and read a little
Please, explain it to me.
At the end, tell me what algo was used.