This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Had a very pleasant day outdoors, it was a supremely nice day weather wise. Had one of those weird "a ha everything is fine I'm surrounded by trees and the air smells perfect and everything is right with the world" moment. In modern terms, go "touch grass" everyone
This is a big deal because the world is terrifying and makes me pessimistic more often than not lately
The world isn't nearly as terrifying as social media and news media would have you believe. Unplug from that shit and the world gets a lot smaller and kinder.
Everyone said ChatGPT would kill us all. But all I've seen is a bunch of journalists spouting nonsense about AI and ChatGPT-written spam, but I repeat myself.
Just wanted to share a really cool program for Linux.
It's perfect to delete large files that are using all your space. It's incredibly fast (reads terabytes in seconds), and it's super simple to use.
Thanks, will try out since docker images always seem to take up all the space on my small server
I have an alias for the base 'du' command with some sorting and human readability logic, very useful on small hosted boxes with limited space. Lots of npm projects and SSH'ing via VSCode will create large folders without you realizing.
du ~ -h -d 5 | sort -r --human-numeric-sort | head -n 15
Gives you the 15 largest files / folders with human readable filesize outputs. From there I usually just rm -rf it.
Yeah, I actually found ncdu while searching for a command like that one.
To be honest, ncdu is a game changer. And it even works on servers or local machines because it's all terminal based, but also very intuitive.
I literally recovered 500GB in a few seconds with it. Great to find those temp files, and many other things that just keep increasing.
Unfortunately back to work, lol. Stacking sats to cold storage daily for my future self!
How do you keep your cowboy hats here?
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After many attempts that have resulted in some possibly but hopefully not burned sats, I finally got smart and started setting up a testnet node for lightning. Gonna open some channels with it today and screw around so that I actually know what I'm doing when on mainnet.
Keeping my longest cowboy streak going until __@_'-' reaches its destination: 2
Bold, bold. I salute you
Lol. I know it's doable.
Ugh it's Monday. I'm going back to sleep.
But Monday is the best day to leap out of bed with dreams and aspirations that won't be fully crushed until Tuesday!
Hello everyone!!! Monday is here and it's time to get cracking, hope you recharged during the weekend, all relaxed and ready to give it a go, I wish you a phenomenal week, may it be filled with profit and success in everything you do, remember that you matter, you are important and you are appreciated in all you do. Have a wonderful Monday and let's give this week our absolute best. Be well and stay frosty my friend!!
This is my first visit to Stacker News last post.
Brought in an old laptop to work to use as my work station. They gave me a work email, and there's no way I'm putting it on my personal phone.
I'm hard at work. Taking a minute break every 30 minutes to scan SN.
I lost my cowboy hat after a 5 days streak! I feel confident that I will find one soon to wear.
Fiat mining today then working tonight on things that matter.
I keep my orange pill tally. +4 so far. (that I know of of course) What is your number?
What counts for you as a successful orange pill?
that is a good question. For me, it is getting someone who does not own bitcoin to own it. (whatever reason they might have is up to them). So, I guess a very light orange pill or dietary orange pill hehe.
Fair enough. I feel like understanding might be an even better gauge of success though. I had a friend once who was semi-orange pilled and I gifted them ~20k sats that I think they ended up burning bc they deleted the wallet without a backup. They did later learn more and understand it better, but it was a rough situation regardless
Ever so slowly planting the seed among a few promising candidates, but as of yet none have come to fruition.
Good jobā€¦ I have no idea on number. Itā€™s those who vehemently objected I worry about mostā€¦. fiat system addicts.
The price to run a website is going to increase exponentially going forward due to war and inflation (which has deeper causes). So the free and open internet as we know it is basically breaking down. Part of the infrastructure that powered the internet will be maintained for "essential businesses" only. Like how the lock downs "essential businesses" was allowed to stay open. What is the solution? It just needs to play out at this point. Maybe in 100 years a free and open civilization will flourish again!
You can host a website for free.
The Internet is decentralized, and it's free. There no stopping it.
I'm with the others in calling you vague and possibly crazy. Details or it didn't happen.
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that is by design :) reaching my level of information is like a part time job. It shouldnt be. But its by design
OK, I'll join @nemo and bite too. :)
What are you trying to tell us? What's this design you keep alluding to?
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Day 128 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k. __@_'-'
GM from across the pond (UK)!
Where r my signup sats šŸ˜©
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Beat me by two seconds. I thought I got this one as fast as possible, but apparently not.
Letā€™s call it a draw. No one wants a salty snailā€¦ itā€™s not pretty lol