28 votes \ poll ended
We need Bitcoin prediction markets here.
I know Zuck has more training and is younger, but there are weight classes for a reason.
The real winner will be anyone benefitting from this misdirection of the public’s attention.
With a 6 inches and 75 pounds disadvantage out of the gate, I don’t think there’s any amount of training that guarantee a win for Zuckerbucks. Elon’s signature move (“The Walrus”) also seems pretty compelling,
Team musk
Disregard who of them you "like" more or less and look at it objectively.
100% Zuck. Zucc is ripped, younger and does martial arts. Elon is old, unfit, overweight. Only advantage Elon has is height but I have seen guys with very basic martial arts skills destroy much bigger guys before.
Who wins in a Musk v. Zuckerberg cage fight? The viewers.
We get to watch two idiotic billionaires -- a part-reptile, part-human-sized jar of mayonnaise allegedly "trained" in martial arts; the other, a literal man child whose only form of training is lifting weights at the office -- fight and embarrass each other in front of the world.
I haven't read anything about stakes, but, to make things interesting: Whoever loses must resign.
Musk because he just needs to sit his fat ass on VR dweeb's face.
I heard some rumblings that Elon is trying to make it a "debate fight". And to be honest, I'm much more likely to tune in if it's a debate vs actual cage fight.
This would be really great, i'd imagine it would be a colossal mess on Zuck's part if this was to be the case.
I can't stop thinking of the South Park episodes with Zuckerberg...
When is it happening? ;-) I'll have to go with elon though
Won't happen
looks like they’re planning on doing it in an “epic location” in italy
They have a location. Ok, my probability of this actually happening just went way up. I still say its a 50/50 chance it never happens. When they have a date that will go up. I just figure this is a publicity stunt.
After reading this and thinking about other stuff I still think its a publicity stunt but that is now making me think this might happen. Elon and Zuck both need to promote their platforms. Might actually happen.
Is the fight still on???
Whoever benefits from this kind of misdirection.
Bread and circuses for the modern masses.