This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Today I cannot think of nothing about Bitcoin as River Plate was defeated by penalties at Libertadores Cup.
Pondering my Bitcoin decisions and choices. I’ve put in tons of proof of work, but have yet to sew the fruit's of my labor. Am I a genius or did I get sucked into the biggest Ponzi scheme ever? It’s been a 3 year journey…
patients my young bitcoiner, these things take time. trust the cycle.
(this is what I tell myself. I am very deep and yet to sew)
If it helps, check out the Sovereign Individual book. It incredibly outlines the role of something like Bitcoin (written before Bitcoin was even discovered) and the history of technological revolutions. Fiat money will die, just like the medieval church, it will just take a length of time that is not clear right now…but which will be obvious in hindsight.
Thanks, yeah I feel like my timing wasn’t great, but we are still early if this works.
Will there always be shit coins?
Not quite today, but I got stacker news local development going yesterday and opened my first 2 PRs in the repo!
You also discovered a pretty big bug!
Oh yea, that too 😁
Hey hey hey gang!!! I missed you all, my apologies, I was without Wi-Fi for quite a bit, couldn't have the chance to let you know I was sending you some good vibes still, hope your week has been going phenomenal, Tuesday is here and it's time to give it our best, I know you can because you, my friend, are awesome. Just do small changes, turn them into habits and execute your plan. You've got this. May your day be filled with success and love!! Be well and stay frosty my friend.
in a truly integrated bitcoin economy i don't think anyone will feel a 51% attack because in a truly integrated bitcoin economy most of the activity happens on other layers and the 51% attack can potentially be waited out. And if its a serious one military actions can be considered. I kinda like the idea of a relatively small task force that can go anywhere in the world within 24 hours and take a malicious mining operation out of service if it insists on being malicious.
I get the idea, but allowing military powers to decide what miners are malicious or not feels like it introduces far more risks than its possible benefits.
Book by its cover thing: Indian food doesn't look good in pictures or Instagram, but it tastes so good
Try RASA a new restaurant that Is based upon Indian food using the food bowl approach like cava! Highly recommended
Hey, that food looks amazing visually.
It’s very tasty indeed and the prices aren’t terrible
Life planning is fun
Last day of freedom before starting my new job. Wish me luck, internet!
you'll smash it
This morning I'm posting a shameless shill for @grayruby 's SN sports NFL football survivor pool. The more people who play, the bigger the pot at the end of the season.
You don't need to be a football expert. There is plenty of free information online. One of us will get lucky. Maybe it's you.
We will also help grow our own circular economy right here.
Count me in
Day 115 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k. __@_'-'
No need to check the price then…