I really like disruptive technologies, and we have to strive to better understand people and help them to level up, before machines end our work functions! What do you think of us creating an application for people to learn English and simultaneously earn satochis via webLN?
I think it's a good idea and I will definitely use it!
Also, I like the name papopago.com.br :)
I'll be using it 24/7!
that's awesome!
I like the gasification of learning.
Maybe have some nostr badges that can be unlocked with sats.
Maybe have an XP leveling system (which you will have to think about more deeply than number + number = level. Think in terms of accomplishments. How many accomplishments are worth a level)
Yes, we will have a system of variables to record the time dedicated by the user who takes our proposal seriously. I haven't thought about reward values yet, but it must be something fair, profitable and sustainable.
Great article. I guess any operation like this (fountain,bitcoin magazine) must rely on advertising in their business model. Is that what you're thinking?
At first I haven't thought about it, I think we should think of something sustained by the enthusiastic users themselves and validated as supporters.