Seems that posts are slowing down and tipping is not happening as frequently.....
Would be good to see if there was some stats for this website?
Have you checked the analytics tab at the bottom of the page? There's a wealth of info there.
I've had the opposite experience lately, but earlier in the summer my engagement really slowed down.
Remember that SN is still a pretty small community and a couple people going on a summer vacation with their families could make a big change to your experience.
Just over production of content plus topics.
depends on the content posted... if the content is tutorial-like informative or relevant to readers, it will undoubtedly get you hundreds of sats. I, for example, have already piled up many of sats since I met SN and I am very grateful to everyone here for the tips and for all kinds of help, from a meme that changes my bad mood, even advice on how to improve sleep.
about the stats: ask the guy in the straw hat 👒 @k00b
SN isn't going to die until I do.