Crypto bros love to conflate the Bitcoin "community" with the rest of the crypto "communities" to use as a scapegoat for their disingenuous arguments against "toxic" bitcoin maximalism.
There is no Bitcoin "community."
There are bitcoiners, all over the globe, all belonging to their own respective communities, all united by a money that works for them.
Call that whatever you want, but it's not the same as a gambling hive mind collectively cheering on their underwater bags to pump.
Some bitcoiners get caught up in it like identity politics too. They're not seeing it. I feel like this needs to be made clear more often.
Bitcoin has no community
I see where you are coming from but that sounds intellectually dishonest.
On one side, you describe how "crypto bros" behave and thus you are describing a community. And the other side, you say bitcoin has no community. I think that's an argument I would not bring up against "crypto bros" since it's not easy to keep up.
For example, this is the definition I found for the term "community":
A community is a social unit (a group of living things) with commonality such as place, norms, religion, values, customs, or identity. Communities may share a sense of place situated in a given geographical area (e.g. a country, village, town, or neighbourhood) or in virtual space through communication platforms.
Since "bitcoiners" are interested in bitcoin, I would say that there is indeed a bitcoin community. Maybe not the bitcoin community, but there definitely are communities. For example, you can consider all the meetups all around the world as bitcoin communities. Or SN itself. Is SN not a bitcoin community?
But you can group all of these communities back into one global community again.
Hence, I believe there is indeed a bitcoin community. It's just global. Like other cryptocurrencies.
agree with all you're saying. I guess i mean to comment more so on the culture war between bitcoiners and crypto maxis in general -- i just argue the "communities" are not very comparable to each other. Both global, but on a much different scale.
Certainly there are different communities of bitcoiners, but the "toxic bitcoin maxi" community doesn't really exist like many in crypto say it does.
Junseth I think coined the term bitcoin maxi as a joke, and it caught on like the proud boys did. It's a disingenuous mind virus.
I went to my first bitcoin meetup recently (well, my 1st one AFTER understanding bitcoin and getting off of zero!) and I felt for the first time in my life "these are my people, they get me".
Imagine how those people smuggling printing presses all around Europe must have felt. "you dirty laity-class knowledge maximalists, you don't deserve all this knowledge"
Welcome to the new church. Sit down and enjoy that peace and calmness. This church that isn't defined by an imposing cathedral, but by knowledge inscribed on our hearts among us dirty, unwashed heathens, shtetls, and bumpkins.
I don't agree. Bitcoiners make up a very strong hermeneutical community that interpret money by the same unchanging rules. Of course, you may interpret money in any fashion you like, but if you want to belong to this community and share it's interpretation if the world of money, you have to abide to the community rules!
pls inform me of the rules
The rules built into the bitcoin software: difficulty adjustment, mining rewards, block size, etc.
Underrated post and stance. 💯
Bitcoin is a network of individuals all pursuing their own self interest. I think that is often conflated with a community.
I'm part of the Stackchain Bitcoin community and the Nostr Bitcoin community. Stackchainers and Nostriches are smaller subsets of Bitcoiners.
Collectivism is appealing to the intellectually lazy. Fortunately that also means that probably nothing else they are saying or agreeing with warrants much attention except as far as it might mean an invasion in your own town.
Bitcoiners has an community. We are sustained on higher level of moral values We are connected by the spirit of those values and at the same time we are on us own. We are not grouped by centrailied authority pretending that we are free. Shitcoiners are you feeling your have to obey??...Do ti ring a bell, on the side of the force you are. What driving is to force you to fight? Let the signal penetrate your subconscious