Bank of UnAmerica. Not only are their business practices crap but they do every little thing to annoy me as a user. It super convoluted to setup autopay. Also, they only support 2FA with SMS rather than being able to use a TOTP app.
That's not entirely true about the 2FA, they do support FIDO-2 usb keys like Yubikey. Although, I'm not sure if they also require SMS to be active as a backup which would make the security key less effective.
... but bitcoin is it... bunch of hypocrites
Fake accounts, bogus fees, a.k.a. theft. Also previously known as larceny from Old French larcin, from Latin latrocinium, from latro(n-) ‘robber’, earlier ‘mercenary soldier’, from Greek latreus.
Merc. soldier, which explains the disproportionate fines
racketeering | ˌrakɪˈtɪərɪŋ | noun [mass noun] dishonest and fraudulent business dealings: racketeering ensnared the economy | [as modifier] : a local racketeering boss, a nationwide racketeering banking class and financial sector.
So nothing new in the world of banking.
Justice served accurately!
so another "cost of doing business" fine for outright fraud (wells fargo anyone?). i guess i shouldn't be surprised anymore. also love to see a bank that received a massive bailout treating their customers like this, without any real consequences
bitcoin needs banks so i wouldnt be trying to smear them
Have fun staying poor dude
wallet of satoshi is a bank imo and its one of the big driver of adoption of LN protocol so far.