Brief Bio:
  • Active Duty Marine Infantry Officer until 2.5 years ago when I finished up active time and went back to school to learn to code so I could work on Bitcoin
  • Taught a bunch of bitcoin education courses, most recently at Base58 with @niftynei as her TA
  • Been contributing to open source bitcoin and lightning projects for about 2 years now, most extensively in Fedimint
  • Worked at OKCoin and OKX for a couple months as a backend developer on the fiat and "web3" teams, quit to work exclusively on Bitcoin again like I had when just doing open source
  • Started working at Fedi a couple months ago
  • Currently running the AI4ALL Hackathon, a remote hackathon running the month of July on using Bitcoin to scale and improve the privacy of generative AI applications
How is this AI phase not a complete distraction for lightning companies (except to increase vaulations)?
Why should people care about building lightning for robots when there's still much needed work for humans to truly take advantage of it?
How is 402 payment required for heavy computational tasks not actually a larp when credit based API keys work just fine?
We can walk and chew gum at the same time, building out great lightning tooling for both humans and machine to machine payments. They're not mutually exclusive. I think it's also an opportunity to get a bitcoin foot in the door of a bunch of companies/people who otherwise wouldn't be interested, but are currently facing monetization problems that bitcoin uniquely solves.
Credit based API keys don't work for a couple reasons, big ones being chargebacks and requiring you to maintain a persistent identity for the user instead of just being able to give them the service in receipt for money.
E.g. every single company trying to add AI into their product is facing this exact problem that they can't monetize it so are either having you BYO api key, using stripe exclusively, or just otherwise limiting access to people with credit cards. Entirely possible they end up just going the way of the rest of the internet but would prefer they use bitcoin and think there's a good case for using lightning (as it exists today with good sender side privacy) to allow wider access to AI
I hear that but using bitcoin/lightnng and credit based api keys is not mutally exclusive and would save time and money.
Also, every single company trying to add AI into their product is the problem and it is no wonder they can't figure out how to monetize the latest hype train they have no business.
I made this video, July 2023 to show the start of my journey using WebLN - If it helps someone else then it was worth my time! - I'm just a pleb learning as I go!
Maybe this offers a different perspective Tony
Hi Kody, Nice to meet you and watched your podcast episode recently, I am a react developer but want to start with lightning/Bitcoin development with Fedi. How do I start? any beginner issues?
I'm doing a twitch stream tonight with mckay wrigley on how to wrap a vercel chatbot with lightning micropayments which'll be a great one to watch:
For Fedi development specifically we launched fedi alpha which will have a ton of cool stuff around fedi mods coming out soon
I've heard from reliable sources that you were an absolute madman when teaching yourself to code. Suggesting, to me at least, that it was calling you.
What kept you from programming for so long? Do you think you'd have eventually found programming if it wasn't for bitcoin?
Haha thanks I'll take that one as a compliment. I get really into what I'm working on when I know it's meaningful and important. When I was leading Marines it was about helping and serving them and making sure i did everything I could to prepare and train them and myself, so didn't have time to do other stuff I might've liked to like coding. Pretty common quip in infantry is that if the Marine Corps wanted you to have a family or social life they would've issued you them . I only started coding on my last active deployment because COVID happened and we weren't allowed to do anything we were locked in our rooms and I had tactical operations center watches for like 12-24 hours where nothing happened because everything in the world was locked down.
You work hard and stay focused so in the event we end up in a sticky situation we don't have to go through the rest of our lives thinking "Well if I hadn't taken that vacation or weekend off or whatever maybe John would still be alive".
Working on Bitcoin I get the same feeling, we've got this incredible opportunity to bring property rights to billions of people and if we don't succeed I don't want it to be because I took time off or didn't push through. It makes me really annoying to work with for people who try to lead a balanced life haha.
You work hard and stay focused so in the event we end up in a sticky situation we don't have to go through the rest of our lives thinking "Well if I hadn't taken that vacation or weekend off or whatever maybe John would still be alive".
So true. I have no military experience but I would say I am quite fascinated by the military with its strategies, discipline, moral, camaraderie, weapon handling etc. or just war in general. After reading "Chickenhawk" from Robert Mason I was intrigued and was determined to read more books about wars and would say I now can relate more to what veterans (at least Vietnam veterans) experienced. Obviously, I will never be able to completely relate to it (since I think you have to experience war itself to be able - like with many things) but reading books about it still helps, I think. Next book will be "With the Old Breed" from Eugene Sledge and "Helmet for my Pillow" from Robert Leckie.
Do you have any book recommendations about war?
Also, sometimes I regret that I didn't join the Army for a few years after I finished school. To experience at least a small part of all this stuff I am now reading about myself. I know it sounds wrong and naive to say "I want to experience war itself" but I think I just can't put it well into words how I feel about it. I think I just want to understand the people who experienced war better. Can you understand what I mean? Is that weird? lol
Sorry if off topic and you didn't expect to get into this topic here. Your sentence just resonated well with me and what I read about the military so far. I hope I don't sound too naive about this stuff, haha
Thank you for your service even though I am not from the US :)
This comment was featured on This Day in Stacker News.
What’s on your roadmap for 2023?
AI4ALL Hackathon we're currently running, it's remote and ends July 31st. Ton of use cases for bitcoin within scaling generative AI because the API calls when you hit against GPT/Midjourney/any of the more cutting edge models are so expensive, you need to wrap them in micropayments.
For Fedi specifically seeing more federations popping up in the wild. Fedimint is going to have a release in the next couple weeks so people can start setting up their own mainnet federations more easily and building more fedimint modules.
Exciting, thanks for sharing and all your hard work!
What's something really cool a full featured Fedi can do that most of us haven't considered?
balancing and allocating resources and data across different federations to maintain your privacy. Everyone's tracking the bitcoin custody aspect of it, but to own bitcoin is to control the data used to spend it, and when you come up with a federated consensus mechanism for handling that data you can use it for any other type of data as well.
210 sats \ 1 reply \ @kr 6 Jul 2023
What is the coolest project you’ve seen from the AI for All Hackathon so far?
There's a bunch of guys working on wrapping self hosted AI applications and models with lightning payments so you can open them up to everyone and get paid sats which is cool to see different approaches towards.
And everything ollie the dev's been working on is mind blowing, he's doing really amazing work with AI agents giving them lightning wallets and building resources they can purchase like embeddings databases
200 sats \ 1 reply \ @F 6 Jul 2023
Hi thanks for doing this AMA.
What are your plans for making the future of the internet a more decentralized and open place for all? Immediate vs long term goals?
Immediate: establish bitcoin and lightning payments as the standard for AI scaling so when we roll out more fedi mods support there's an ecosystem of L402 and WebLN payments infrastructure. Long term: build out federations for high trust communities to create platforms for sovereignty using bitcoin and other freedom technologies.
I don't have a question but would love to volunteer with the team if you have anything that needs to be done. Am not exactly a coding expert but I work in information security if that means anything.
Just a general recommendation on how to better approach this, I used to make this mistake all the time when you ask people if there's anything you can do to help you're also asking them to take to come up with something that's a good weapon-target match to your skillset which they're unsure of, which ends up being an imposition on their time to both try to evaluate your skillset and figure out how to best match it to what they're working on. When people are really busy it's not the best way to get to them or get them to help / give opportunities.
A better way to approach it is by building some demonstrations of your skills and do a little research into who you're pitching so you can open with "Hi I built this and I think your company could benefit from this and me in xyz ways" . Everything I've been able to do for Bitcoin I did by taking that approach of "here's how I can help", but every time I did a "how can I help" it ended up going nowhere.
You're totally right and I should do that. However, my experience is limited and a new college grad. I can help with cyber security, Azure Active Directory, application security and things of that nature. Unsure if any of that applies to you, but if there are any meaningless tasks bogging anyone down, I am offering an extra set of hands.
Submit a project to the AI4ALL hackathon we're running, it's remote and runs the whole month of July. I'll be doing a couple workshops next week on how to build with Fedi and Fedimint, to show your skills and I'll help you figure out how best to apply them somewhere in Bitcoin either at a company or just through opensource dev work.
Good advice! Good luck with Fedimint, I am rooting for you.
Are there use cases for Fedi in the corporate enterprise? If so, please share. Thanks.
Yup definitely, both through fedimint modules and fedi mods. More on this to come in a couple months.
We are considering Fedi as a candidate technology for retail phase of Bitcredit Protocol. Fedi custodial risk is a bummer, though. Still, it might be worthwhile to have a chat, sometimes.
What is Bitcredit Protocol?
It's a Free Software which makes Bitcoin usable for real economy. We are currently investigating candidate technologies for the retail phase. See: We'd be most interested in a chat about the ins and outs of using Fedi for that part
I have enterprise sales background and would love to get involved as a sales partner.
We are interested. Do you have access to treasury officers?
What feature or consequence of Fedi's product are you most excited to see in the wild?
Social recovery mechanisms for bitcoin and for other data storage like password managers. Out of the box with Fedimint you get bitcoin, lightning, and ecash, but through the module system you can extend it to also backup arbitrary data. Fedi's going to be a great tool for organizing your data across different aspects of your life, seeing the first glimpses of that now.
What's the cowboy hat?
Cowboy hat?
"you found a cowboy hat A cowboy is nothing without a cowboy hat. Take good care of it, and it will protect you from the sun, dust, and other elements on your journey."
Never worn a cowboy hat before haha. Started wearing bitcoin hats a little while ago, btchats and excellion make great stuff.
He's talking about an SN gamification thing. I'm not sure why he's asking this here.
Fedimint can be connected together by a federation. Can federations use censorship ?
It depends what operation you are doing on the federation. Ecash is very difficult to censor since you cannot identify who is spending it (ideally). So the worst you can do is rugpull
What is Fedi? Honest question
Where is the guide for newbies on how to make a module?
Wen Fedi?