Commonwealth Bank users have been unable to access their accounts online or make purchases with their bank cards because of a widespread technical outage.
Remember, it's not your money if someone else has control over it.
With Bitcoin you don't need a bank, and you will be able to use your money any time, 24/7.
With bitcoin, anyone can be your support. The power of open protocols.
Meanwhile in Spain, I am living a demo version of this problem and writing funny notes about it. When writing that my situation could be much worse, I felt it was too theoretical and abstract threat - until I found this post, of course.
My problem is not terribly important, but funny: my banks apparently implemented a pioneer solution known as Schroedinger's security. My phone number is safe enough to be used as 2nd factor to authenticate bank transfers. And at the same time, my phone number is so horribly insecure that, when I attempt to send HalCash to it (HalCash is a system that sends SMS to the recipient to withdraw cash at ATM), it is not enough to refuse the operation. No, they have to lock me out of internet banking for a week and counting.
Also, why nobody mentions that elimination of cash is such a good idea? /s People could no longer complain that they are not able to withdraw more than $300.
wow maximum cash withdrawal of $300 to take out your OWN money?
The banks definitely don't have enough cash to pay all the depositors. Also hearing that they are restricting outflows to known crypto exchanges too.
This is almost comedy:
The bank that has your money is telling you to beg for money to your friends and family.
Ms Bury could not pay for her appointment, and she said she would have to go without medication she needs for a bad infection caused by tonsillitis.
"I had to walk away and say I can't pay for my appointment because I didn't have the funds," she said.
"I couldn't access anything … it's quite frustrating."
Simpsons was right again
It's the default limit which you can change the setting.
What I find truly strange is how everyone is talking about cost of living increasing but no one cares about paying the extra card fee.