Don't think this is all good news. Yes, they finally realize that an outright ban would be futile. However, they are now basically saying that governments should impose tracking & data collection on all crypto transactions instead.
AND... they don't even mention monetary debasement/inflation as one of the root causes driving people to crypto. Their heads are waaay too far up their own arses.
The whole article only mentions bitcoin in its title and only mentions bitcoin once throughout the whole article. The writer of the article still can’t tell the difference between shitcoins (or what he calls cryptocurrencies) and bitcoin. This dude that wrote the article still has a lot to learn…
99.9999999999% of all the people has to learn a lot more on this.
100% Agree.
"We are done stacking for now"
Haha the top guys saw the futility of banning bitcoin, loaded up, and then announced
these institutions like governments are not one homogeneous entity. there's people across the spectrum working for them. so its just as likely they'll publish something negative again next month lol
"IMF realizes banning a truly decentralized currency is more difficult than initially expected"
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