I've been using gitolite for a while but some time ago, creating repositories broke and I didn't fix it since I wanted to move away from it anyway. I've been looking at soft-serve ever since but never started to migrate.
How are other stackers hosting private repositories?
A lot of people seem to like gitea.
But if you're only self-hosting for backups and coordination, you (and collaborators) don't need anything except ssh access to the machine you want to host on.
The main UX bummer is that by default you have to be on the server to create "repos."
However, you can add custom commands to git-shell that would allow permitted users to create repos via ssh.
old skool, love it
Mhh, I like this.
Wanted to learn more about custom shells via SSH anyway
I could also take a look at gitern since I guess that's where you picked up your experience regarding this. I also wanted to take a look at the really freaking weird stuff anyway, lol
gitern’s flow is similar but on steroids (or meth depending on your pov) because there’s no trust between “tenants” of the server.
gitea is amazing, low memory, super fast.
if you need pipelines and stuff though, gitlab might be a easier choice, if you have 3-4 gb ram to spare
My server only has 1GB RAM
I like minimalistic stuff so gitlab is out
I like the pipelines in gitlab though. Hosting a gitlab runner is also very easy and makes pipelines blazingly fast
Correction: It has 2GB RAM
Depends what you really need. GitLab has self-hosting version. It's a lot of work but you have your own fully blown GitLab box if security is your concern. I'm proponent of self-hosting if you have the ability, you gain full independence which is nice IMHO.
Gitlab, though not without some friction. There's a gitea fork called forgejo that runs codeberg.org and that I'd probably switch to if gitlab deteriorates.
I've never used it but here is one in the "p2p" space: https://radicle.xyz/
I use gitea. It works great for our needs.
We offer this as a service at Federated Computer (https://federated.computer). Includes a bunch more, 100% private.
Soft serve is sexy but check out gitea for more features