RFK Jr. takes Bitcoin donations for his campaign.
DeStantis and Ramaswamy have both signaled their support for Bitcoin
Trump and Biden don't like it.
Which election cycle will we see Bitcoin become a key topic of discussion?
2024? 2028? 2032?
As Bitcoin grows, it will be more present.
I'm just concerned it might not be politicians licking Bitcoin asses, like people around here love to see, but rather politicians and statists might start pointing at Bitcoiners and blaming them for whatever-fucking-thing to try to crush the movement.
I would love all politicians to ignore bitcoiner hard, really hard. And we just keep doing our thing. And hopefully, one day, everyone is using Bitcoin before it even became something relevant in the political sphere. And then, hopefully, it will be too late to try to crush it with propaganda, violence and other miserable tactics.
It's already too late for them to crush it. Bitcoin's decentralization is forcing the hand of other nations. If xyz country tries to stamp it out, that's a competitor's opportunity to embrace it.
We're seeing this happen in real time with the US taking a harsh stance against bitcoin/crypto while China/Russia are starting to cozy up.
Oh, I'm sure if one single country went hard at suppressing it, it would still work worldwide. Even if it was a large, important country.
But still, I would be concerned about political oppression. Most of the keyboard warriors will shit their pants the moment they see a baton. If some prominent bitcoiner would be arrested, I think we would be negatively surprised at how little would be made about it.
There unfortunately will be political oppression, but history is not kind to nations who rejected innovation
Don't follow US politics, but as long as I have been browsing /r/bitcoin some presidential hopeful has always accepted Bitcoin donations.
Why? Because it free money.
Accepting donations doesn't mean they support Bitcoin. Because Bitcoin definitely doesn't support centralised power structures.
  • I fully agree; accepting donations does not signal support
  • There is certainly a degree of ass kissing coming from RFK
  • I do believe he understands Bitcoin, much more so than other candidates
  • I still won't be voting for him (or anyone)
FUCK'EM'ALL Bitcoin doesn't give a shit about all those idiots. Bitcoin doesn't need any of those idiots.
I will repeat this over and over until more people will understand it:
In the words of Hal Finney,
"If you want to change the world, don't protest. Write code!"
It's amusing watching people cast votes that gives further credence to a system they are actively trying to change
I am seriously considering to just write my own name on the paper during the next election lol
This way, it will at least show up in the statistics as "invalid vote"
edit: Or I will write Bitcoin on my paper
Before you are going to nullify that vote, you already gave your consent, by presenting yourself to the voting process...

Do not give them that satisfaction. Just by presenting to vote, means you do not have anymore rights to complain. You are part of the fucking machine.

You know what is far more important than voting? Using bitcoin. Earning and spending bitcoin. Creating circular economies. We will never vote our way to freedom...
Proof of work
what about using bitcoin and doing more?
Oh course.
A weak person can't help others. Make yourself strong and do things to improve yourself, your family and your community. Voting for crooks to do it for us isn't doing something IMO.
There is much more than bitcoin of course.
What do you think is the better option? Sounds like just doing nothing
Be a sovereign individual not a citizen...
I assume you've read "The Sovereign Individual". Just finished it.
I AM a sovereign individual, not just reading it. That book is just a tiny part about the giant rabbit hole is opening... https://darthcoin.substack.com/p/natural-law-and-bitcoin
Doing nothing is the exact best option imo
Let game theory run its course
Not voting is not doing nothing. I mean, if you just literally do nothing else in your life then yes it is, but I doubt that. Voting once a year or once every four years for one of two candidates isn't doing much... but it is helping to perpetuate the value of the existing system. If you believe in democracy by all means... vote. But if you don't, if you believe the state is evil and the system is rigged build community, support bitcoin, make your life better. A weak person can't help others. Make yourself strong and do things to improve yourself, your family and your community. Voting for crooks to do it for us isn't doing something IMO.
Michael Malice says, why would I go to confession? I'm not Catholic. In the same way, if you don't believe in the state, why would you vote? There's the argument of self defense, and I respect that perspective but in reality your vote is pretty meaningless.
If voting was so powerful the government would ban it.
If you believe in democracy by all means... vote. But if you don't, if you believe the state is evil and the system is rigged build community, support bitcoin, make your life better.
the point was to explicitly not vote (by making your vote invalid) instead of just not showing up
i can support bitcoin and show the state that I don't believe in democracy as it currently is implemented. i can even write down "bitcoin" on my vote
If you believe in democracy by all means... vote
The people of China want BTC, the Gov does not
El Salvador Gov want BTC, the people do not
A Gov "by the people" who want BTC will be incredible
in a country with oppressive Govt - people simply want BTC clearly El Salvador is not very oppressive for people
I would guess 2028 will be when it becomes a real campaign topic. I'm drawing a parallel to how social media was treated as sort of a curiosity during the 2008 Ron Paul Revolution, but became a really big deal during the next cycle as it propelled him to prominence.
If we see some splashy fundraising for Vivek or RFK due to Bitcoin, then the next cycle will really emphasize it.
always one cycle ahead. interesting!
I'm gonna just drop this here. Every bitcoiner should read this.
Democracy: The God That Failed by Hans-Hermann Hoppe
A better question:
How relevant will the next few presidential election cycles be?
It's all a joke.
Trump before presidency accepted Bitcoin and after he didn't like it. Once president they need to follow what the shadow government order.