Hello blockchain.
I'm new around Stacker, I'm in love with this community, even though I just lurk all the time. Hope you guys enjoy having me around. I love tech, specially anything related with the blockchain itself. Let's hold and behold what Bitcoin is and will be.
Much love <3
Welcome aboard!
The blockchain is only one small part of bitcoin. Its important but has become a distraction. Without the distributed network of nodes and miners it is just a slow database. Without proof of work it is just a slow database. Without the 21 million cap enforced by the node operators it isn't that interesting. I hope you learn a lot on this site, I know I have. Keep your mind open and a teachable attitude and you will learn many things.
Stay humble, stack sats.
anything related with the blockchain
What is so "exciting" with blockchain? Is just a database.
It's the foundation of what many here love. True, it's just a database, but you can build blocks of top of it to make it much more, at least, that's my opinion :)