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Tipping is live!

It's pretty straightforward I hope. Like you would boost posts before, on your second upvote click you get a dialog to either boost or tip a post/comment. Tips go directly to the poster/commenter. Boost, as before, goes to the site and just boosts the rank of the content. This should allow for more interesting incentives for participation until I implement more levers to pull on post economics.
The UI/UX is far from ideal I think - we'll iterate from here as with all else. Please if you have even a hint of confusion or dislike or like, say something and I'll try to figure out how to integrate your advice.

Tentative roadmap from here (advice as always is welcome):

  1. user profiles
    • profile images
    • "send me money" invoices and lightning addresses
    • bios (I have a cool hack/idea that'll allow for cool code reuse - tip for anyone who can guess what it is)
    • sat activity: see how you're making and spending money
  2. refinement
  3. make contributing to SN easier
    • docker image
    • document api
  4. refinement
  5. growth hacks
    • make SN invite only?
    • faucets?
    • host archive of bitcoin-dev and lightning-dev?
  6. refinement
  7. sovereignty
    • onion address (should probably start generating a vanity address now)
    • non-custodial wallet (some way, some how)
  8. moooooon
Pretty cool. Yeah, the UI/UX could use a bit more love :)
It would be good to be able to run a search, or have SN indexed in some way, so that double posts can be avoided.
Have been looking for this also, for the same reason..
I also find myself looking for the the "top of (day/week/month/year/all-time)" sort feature... don't think hackernews has this though..
Yeah, I would also like "Top of week" feature. Maybe it's a good idea to not have "all-time", since that would encourage weird competition.
Considering how this could work. You could have a new "nav-item" called "top" or "popular" and under that would be 2 dropdowns that user can choose from
  • Popular: Today, This week, This month, This year
  • Created: [Today], Any time The Created would have 2 options, the first one would match your "Popular" selection and the other would be "Any time". The selection for both would be nice to persist on client (e.g. localStorage).
This serves 2 purposes, sometimes you just want to see the freshly created news only. And sometimes you want to see what has been boosted recently. This may be a bit harder to grasp by just reading this definition, but try playing with it in action, it becomes intuitive ;) @k00b FYI.
I'll toy around with this.
I have a github issue tracking sorting (as requested by another user) https://github.com/stackernews/stacker.news/issues/15
I'll drop a link to this comment in there.
Agreed, need to add this to gh.
very cool!!! does the quantity of boost matter or is it discrete? i would love to tip site without altering the algorithm order too much…
Quantity of boost matters but it decays roughly twice as exponentially with time as organic sats. I need a donate/sink button I guess.
would love others input but i do wonder if the boost/tipping gets a little confusing and cumbersome if you want to tip author and the site (which is my preference).
Maybe have a user configurable setting, default 21% of tips go to SN, 79% to commenter/poster but user can set 0-100%. When they tip the sats get distributed by that set fraction.
Then you could possibly hide boosts (or keep internal) and just have promotion algorithm be a function of tips… might simplify things.
This is fun though… Just reloaded my wallet!
Using tips to rank is more complicated that it seems if SN doesn't take a huge cut - because you can create a sock puppet to just tip yourself to rank higher while keeping the money "in the family."
But I vibe with this frustration. How the heck do we reduce all the buttons, stats, complexity that will likely only grow? It's hard while trying to navigate potentially malicious users.
I think tipping the site should probably just be facilitated with its own button somewhere? I don't know.
ahh never considered the gaming aspect. I wonder if there might be a discrete cap to the internal algorithm "boost".. as in each account can upvote max 2x:
  • once for 1 sat normal upvote
  • once for a tip of any size (or for a set minimum tip) That way the only way to further game the system would be to create a bunch of accounts- annoying but hard to prevent and at least a good amount of work for the malicious user.
Thanks for starting a conversation around this.
On my walk home: I think the way forward is to remove boost as an action users can make on an item and put it as an option when you create a post. It simplifies the site a lot but allows for users to promote things temporarily.
Growth hacks might result in lower quality of users. I don't really think that SN needs more features right now, and generally the focus should be on UX & performance. Quality content + users is what matters. I check SN every day, so from my perspective it should be sticky enough for organic growth.
This is great feedback! Content quality in a way depends on having more users - only a handful of us really post content as is and users might post more if there were more users to engage with it - but I agree.
Also to your point, we don't want low quality users which is why I think growth hacks should either increase the hurdle (like invite-only in which case we grow slower but stronger) or somehow increase content quality (like hosting a searchable archive of dev mailing lists).
It's at the bottom of the list for a reason. I want more feedback on how to approach it and we are growing little by little organically as is.
the focus should be on UX & performance Where do you see the UX or performance lacking? These can always get better everywhere, but I'm wondering if there are specific areas you see trouble.
Well, one specific issue is the "loading screen" on page loads which happens because content is rendered client-side. It's not a huge issue but kind of annoying.
make SN invite only? pls don't ❤️
Incredible work, love the site. Love the roadmap. Just in terms of GUI, it could be better than the UI of Hackernews. Like, for notifications, it'd be nice if I could just get a modal or dropdown instead of having to go to a new page. I know this is contrary to the logic of HN, but I would enjoy it--perhaps other wouldn't, just throwing it out there.
This is a good rec. So more like Reddit's notification system. That makes sense ... Easier to see if it's worth engaging with.
confused after i hit "fund" button that address that i copy i not accepted in a binance withdrawl... am i understanding this wrong?
Binance probably doesn’t support Lightning yet. Stacker News only supports fund/withdrawal on Lightning currently.
Are you familiar with the lightning network? I can send you some articles if you need help.
thanks for the reply. i figured the "ln" in front was a lightning addy after i wrote that. im sorry i really am a noob. will try to send it thru another wallet..
Love it. LFG! 🤘🏼
Very neat! Love seeing this site get the love it deserves!