I run a full Bitcoin node but I don't run a lightning node. I am interested in running a lightning node but have heard it is technically challenging so just out of curiosity I was wondering if someone has created an all in one solution yet? Device, software all in one for running both, essentially a plug and play.
Probably a stupid question but hopefully you guys can give me some recommendations.
great info as always. @k00b i need a feature added so that any time @DarthCoin posts how-to's they go straight to my bookmarks. thanks in advance
Thanks Darth. I will review your articles and get educated.
Agreed. If somebody just want to start a LN node in few clicks Voltage is for that.
What are the pros and cons (cost, speed, node management, security and privacy) of running a LN node on voltage compare on running a self-hosted one?
Thanks for the shoutout folks. Dropping our link here for easy reference: https://voltage.cloud
RaspiBlitz and Umbrel will both sell you a pre-assembled device running their Bitcoin+Lightning software suite. You can also make your own by downloading their software onto your own Raspberry Pi or other machine.
"Plug and play" might not be the right term for it though, even if it's easy to get it up and running initially. There is a bit of a maintenance burden associated with running a Lightning node. Setting up channels and dealing with random force closures will require your attention and intervention in a way that a regular bitcoin node doesn't.
Thanks. I will look into.
LOL wtf is that page with so many crap ads for trading shitcoins? You can't even read the article.