This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Stacker Improvement Proposal - SIP-001
I never knew that Stacker News had an option to post a bounty till i saw this thread
Then i explored further and saw the more types option while clicking on Post Button in home page.
Can we have all the options Links Discussion Poll Bounty Jobs All buttons displayed at once without having to click on more types?
@thebitcoinbugle I found one of your articles mentioned in the wild: They talked about your article on Bitcoin Audible being sued for not being ADA compliant.
Love it. Will take a listen at some point.
How are you making use of the Reddit blackout to bring reddit bitcoin people to SN? @k00b
idk @kr probably has plan
Any recommendations?
Okay I have this crazy idea. I think if this is properly implemented, it can bring tremendous value to SN users and owners. It's tricky, because there are perverse incentives everywhere you look. Here goes:
A sub dedicated to product reviews. The UI will have to be a bit different, more search oriented, because recent content is not necessarily going to be more relevant. Amazon reviews used to be reliable but they've gone to shit. I literally have no idea how to find quality products online outside of niches that I'm well-familiar with. In order to prevent spam, the posting charge would have to be somewhat high, and it would be limited to people who have been on SN for a while and for whom most engagement with SN is NOT via the product review sub. In other words, only people who use SN regularly and just happened to buy a product they like and want to tell others about it. People who appreciate the review tip with sats as with other posts. This is equivalent to the "people who found this review helpful" feature in Amazon.
I think this could be very useful to a lot of people. It's so difficult to find quality information in situations where there are strong incentives to game the system.
You mean like ... Apollo ๐Ÿ˜‰
My first "startup" was actually pretty similar. It didn't have sats though or a team like Apollo's so it failed.
Oh wow! On one hand, I'm happy it exists. On the other hand, a bit depressing that it's almost impossible to come up with a new idea.
Well, in my defense, I didn't know it existed.
EDIT: now I'm taking a closer look I feel like I must have seen it before. But I definitely had this idea from way before.
Less than 24 hours until auction finishes,
24 original Weimar times coins visualize Reichsbank's balance sheet figure in 1923.
Is the goal to maintain SN as a forum style, or are there plans to expand laterally?
I understand what you mean by forum style, but I don't know what you mean by "expand laterally."
We plan to do more weird subs beyond ~jobs and more weird post types beyond bounties if that's what you mean. We all want subs for buying and selling things.
Marketplace would be sick
Laterally meaning other than forum. ie. I still consider Reddit at its core a forum, yes there are subs for buying and selling but nothing integral to the site
Today I am a little tired. I need a coffee to activate myselfโ˜•
2 more years to go in my CS degree. Looking forward to learning as much as I can in my spare time about programming on bitcoin/lightning
The last 2 years are the most fun learning-wise imo. Enjoy it!
Ty! Looking forward to my cybersecurity classes
I hope you're doing well K00b
Thanks crybaby
I love SN because of its similarities to Reddit. Good content rises to the top.
The blackout that has been underway the last 2 days, has really highlighted the need for an alternative and surely that alternative is right here? Should SN not be allowing custom ~subjects to be made about anything and let the platform grow where users want it to grow?
I know there have been discussions around ~tech but curious why SN are limiting it.
Example of a subreddit discussion on the blackout, where they feel there is no alternative:
I don't see SN as "the alternative" to Reddit. I think Tildes fits the most to what some Redditors look for in an alternative without the images posts and NSFW, even RiF developer is working on a Tildes client.
I find SN more akin to an HN alternative, HN has been the same site since its inception?, also can't take HN seriously with its anti-Bitcoin stance.
Gimme da bitches and da tiddies
We are discussing how user generated will work more and more. Itโ€™s usually a sign weโ€™ll work on it soon.
I would love to start a sub!
Is the focus of different to SN?
The have different constraints so will be different. The sauce, the motivation and intent, is the same though.
reddit is dead I think, they will try to push their changes and mods will keep subs in the dark.
No content, no money, no site. The end of reddit.
I've never posted on Reddit. How does that work? Can't Reddit just magically open any subs marked private?
If they wanted to piss people off more than they already have.
That's a fair point!
Still raining? ๐Ÿ˜„
yeah damn it.... the whole month of May was dry, but I was busy with other things. Now the whole month of June every fucking day is raining and I can't go. I really need to finish that citadel.
Day 60 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
@k00b you should consider adding that marketplace sub on SN. Soon many plebs will want to dump their iShit devices...
On to other stackers? Better to list on eBay no?