pull down to refresh

Right now we've got ~bitcoin, ~nostr, and ~jobs.
What sub would you like to see Stacker News add next?
Bonus sats for an explaining why your sub suggestion is a good idea.
1900 sats \ 3 replies \ @k00b 7 Jun 2023
I'm generally in favor of adding ~tech and seeing how it goes. My fear with some of these subs though is that they might dominate the front page and dilute the bitcoin stuff but it might be time to start experimenting and we'll only know when we've launched it.
430 sats \ 1 reply \ @Gian 7 Jun 2023
Yes it would be interesting to follow hardware developments related to bitcoin as DIY hardware wallets, or IOT, I really appreciate the work of Ben Arc on hardware devices, that are useful in everyday life....
Maybe "hardware" is a better channel then. Can cover computer hardware, seed management hardware, telecom, open source
Like a general technology sub. I see stuff in the Bitcoin sub about general technology that doesn't really apply to Bitcoin, but is still cool.
I know that's just hacker news, but here we are lol.
I second. Hacker news type stuff but on stacker news would be amazing
  • /~security
  • /~privacy
  • /~technology
But perhaps a better approach would be to open new subs for registration and moderation. With all this Reddit API Soap opera, reddit is on its way downward, and SN is definitely an upgrade.
~opsec would encompass the first two
I think a beginner bitcoin sub, where stuff is kept basic to make orange pilling more effective. Members who want to help onboard would have a space.
there's already a bitcoin sub, having 2/4 subs being bitcoin doesn't really make sense
Well, the site is still called Stacker News. I understand what you're saying, so if a sports or gardening sub was added,do you think the name of the site should be changed?
I think people should be able to stack sats while talking about sports or gardening. If the stacker news model works, then it shouldnt just be limited to bitcoin topics.
I never really understood this objection. Why can't the name be interpreted as news for stackers? We're clearly interested in all sorts of stuff. When I started using SN news, I didn't infer any sort of limitation on the topics from the name.
Hacker News was the model for this site. Would you find it unusual for people to discuss types of fishing lures there? I do think the name of the site matters. We may disagree, but I think the name Stacker News does limit the logical discussion topics. I agree that those can range far afield of bitcoin, but it's still limited. For instance shitcoins, nostr, general tech and programming, economics and money. They all make sense as discussion topics here. I don't think everything does. Maybe the name should be changed at some point, or, the code could be forked to encompass any topic.
126 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek 9 Jun 2023
SN is currently more like HN but the end vision is to be more like Reddit.
See the pitch deck here: #44287
I see your point regarding the name, but I think the name could also just be related to us stacking on whatever topic.
That just seems like extra work to me, for no clear benefit. Is there a problem I'm missing with allowing the topics to organically broaden out?
Unlike "Hacker News", I interpreted the "Stacker" in SN as refering to the mechanism the site operates on, rather than the subject matter. Even if that was a mistake on my part, why not let people embrace it?
Btw, my suggestion has long been to add a Misc. sub for all these other discussions. Does that strike you as betraying the intention of the site?
I would be in there constantly trying to push those guys not to stay comfortable in the newbie sub lol.
Seems like stacker news has encompassed most of the bitcoin sub culture besides a lot of the carnivory/health stuff. Could be a good way to get people that otherwise would never use sn
I agree that carnivory/health stuff would be off topic to the Bitcoin sub lmao
Yea I'd say it's completely off topic to stacker news altogether.
There is no universal bitcoin subculture. Plenty of us aren't carnivores and don't buy into a lot of the group-thinky stuff that mostly comes from bitcoin Twitter
Yeah I agree there's no universal bitcoin subculture as well. It just seems to be a topic that a lot of bitcoiners seem to like to talk about.
I guess it is up to the SN team if they want to make the site for a general audience for just bitcoin topics
You mean you buy into the group thinky fiat foods and fiat medicobullshit? 🤡🤡🤡
Don't defund them, hold dollars or these institutions will go broke
+1 for sure. There's a health related topic I really want to bring up.
A lot of people mentioned general tech. I think it's unnecessary because people don't really hesitate to post that to the bitcoin sub. Economics too.
I'd go for something that isn't tech-related but can slowly increase awareness of bitcoin. Gardening, politics, etc.
I think the fact that economics and tech gets posted to the bitcoin sub is the argument for making a separate sub for them. I like to post econ topics, but I feel a little weird about putting them in the bitcoin sub.
Maybe, but there is a lot of overlap between those topics. I guess the question is how specific do the subs need to be?
For now it might be fine, but I get the sense some people want a purer Bitcoin sub and there are a lot of posts in the Bitcoin sub that are far more in the weeds than I'm interested in.
The point isn't about how specific the subs need to be, it's about readers being able to see the content they're interested in quickly. Reddit has lots of very precise subs and lots of cross posting.
Reddit is great but I just assumed that SN was going for an improved version of HN.
Either one is fine. The advantage of HN over Reddit is that there's a strong selection bias for smart people. The advantage of SN over both is that they created a much better incentive structure.
I agree and would like to keep those advantages. I expect the minor costs associated with posting on SN will maintain the selection bias.
I found SN because of an ad on Fountain that was pitching it as a Reddit alternative that pays in Bitcoin.
deleted by author
Good point
481 sats \ 4 replies \ @kr 7 Jun 2023
economics would be a nice addition.
i post a lot of links about interest rates and inflation in the bitcoin sub, and so far nobody has complained, but every time i post economics content i hesitate because it’s not quite the right fit for the bitcoin sub.
I mean Bitcoin is money, so I feel like economics are very relevant to the Bitcoin discussion.
71 sats \ 1 reply \ @kr 7 Jun 2023
yeah there is definitely a lot of crossover, but today i shared a link about the bank of canada’s interest rate decisions and most people wouldn’t immediately recognize that as bitcoin content.
Most people are still early
Might sound silly but maybe split ~bitcoin and ~lightning subs
Also ~sports I see stackers placing bets on sports
Bitcoin IS lightning and lightning IS Bitcoin. No split.
But when it comes to development the teams are completely different so many different teams are working on lightning implementations. LDK, CLN, LND, Eclair. All have different ways of implementing the protocol with different features. Saying this statement is not being honest
Are there people who care about bitcoin but not about lightning or vice versa?
100 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek 7 Jun 2023
Just trying to understand the use case. Is it about focus? Like sometimes, you want to focus on lightning content and vice versa?
It's all about creating gangs, division and never focus on the same path together...
ALL are lightning. Otherwise are shitcoins...
121 sats \ 4 replies \ @kr 7 Jun 2023
yeah sports is a good one.
even though it has nothing to do with bitcoin, it’s one of those topics (politics is another), where anyone can develop an opinion on a current event in a matter of minutes and get into fiery debates with people who disagree.
I'd love to see a new post type for prediction markets. It could look like a poll, but rather than paying one sat to answer, you would choose how much to stake on your answer. Then, after the event, the pool would pay out proportionally to the winners. As far as I can tell, this is a huge missing piece from the lightning ecosystem.
156 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 9 Jun 2023
lol nice, this is exactly what I proposed internally to @k00b and @kr
Will see if I can make this happen. Will probably take some time, priorities 'n stuff.
I agree, prediction markets are definitely missing on lightning.
edit: but it just went higher on my priority list ;)
Here's a riddle, time to play, 10 sats could come your way! ⚡ 👉 https://lightsats.com/tip
Listen up, friend, here's a game to play, You must place a bet, don't delay! With faith in your heart, take a chance, Don't refuse, give it a joyful dance!
foss privacy economics/economy tech software development/dev/programming steelpan vs cast iron (ok this one was a joke)
And maybe we don't need all new subs to pop up on the front page? I wouldn't have a problem with the front page being mainly bitcoin and the rest of the subs kind of separate.
software development/dev/programming
I find most programming communities on the web really annoying. Even on Stackoverflow people comment too often "why do you even want this" or other unhelpful stuff due to circumstances. Using Bing/chatGPT kind of solved this issue for me. So there is the question what advantage SN could bring to the table after that?
I don't think we should have Stack Overflow on SN tbh. I was thinking more like a discussion board for different languages, frameworks and guides/tutorials etc. How that should be moderated and kept on-topic is whole other thing to solve though.
I was thinking more like a discussion board for different languages, frameworks and guides/tutorials etc
Oh, then I misunderstood. That's actually a great idea! Sounds like a subsection of "tech" - is it better to start with broader umbrella sections or with more specific subs? Idk
What about stackof but for bitcoiner discussing bitcoin/ Ln developing stuff Its like we giving btc developper a great specialized place for their work talk
... that's a great idea as well! I'm kind of sick of crypto.stackexchange.com
And maybe we don't need all new subs to pop up on the front page? I wouldn't have a problem with the front page being mainly bitcoin and the rest of the subs kind of separate.
We'll definitely need to do this at some point and let stackers pick what they see on their front page.
Yes make new subs without leting their content be in home
  • the idea of sub in a sub is good solution for tags
A programing sub cause it can give a lot of traffic to sn and a way to enhance bitcoin adoptation with developers
  • also the sats upvote will show them how the more valuable answer for their question ( also bounties will be so useful there)
I think this will be beter than tech because tech will be almost for news and reading only but programing will be much more
225 sats \ 1 reply \ @dgy 7 Jun 2023
Yes maybe becoming stackoverflow.com for everything Bitcoin ;-)
But with sats upvote
  • move the fucking hn posts to a sub named "garbage"
  • create a sub for marketplaces or merchants ads, promos, offers, announcements etc

create that bitcoin circular economy right here on SN!

  • create a sub for any other crap posted that is not about Bitcoin.
deleted by author
nsfw 😏
I vote this. The site isn't the only thing that will experience exponential growth that I can promise. 🥵
Without censorship on SN, I had just assumed SN would get polluted with "look at these" types of image posts, asking for sats, and nonstop "begging".
I don't know that I've even seen more than a couple nudes/selfies here, in the year and a half since I've been on SN -- and even more surprisingly, there have been relatively very few begging posts as well.
Not sure if that means an nsfw wouldn't work, just that there doesn't appear to be organic demand for it.
Would be nice to start opening it up to extra-Bitcoin topics to attract a larger and wider user base.
As a start, how about...
  • Technology (general)
  • Business (or economics more generally)
  • Life Hacks
  • Art
  • Music
  • Books
I know there will be pushback from the maximalists, but I see no reason why Stacker News needs to be focused solely on Bitcoin topics.
Let me know if I'm wrong. 👷
~programming would be nice. There's tons of non-Bitcoin and non-Nostr programming stuff I find, which might be of interest to some on SN.
How about a Funny sub?
It'd be great to have access to things to brighten their day.
All previous entries to Meme Monday could be added there straight away.
Yes, then all the satire posts could go there too, instead of being intermingled with the interesting stuff
Sub Privacy and FOSS would fit well, because freedom loving Bitcoiner have to master their personal computing to be really independent. People not mastering their computing will be coerced any update at any inopportune time, against their will and at worst disable them completely.
A great place to showcase and directly support independent artists. Could embed wavlake.
i like the idea of a general technology sub, and i also think economics would be a good addition.
i guess the question is whether it should stay bitcoin-centric or branch out. i wouldn't mind seeing sports, gaming, entertainment, stuff like that.
but whether or not we expand to more non-bitcoin subs, technology and economics would still be relevant, and welcome additions
My proposal is a sub of ~links. By this I don't mean spam links, what I mean is links from useful sites and platforms. This would be useful because there are currently many online tools that not all of us know about. Thus, everyone can share the links of the platforms that they know or are discovering (for example: Exchanges that accept Bitcoin Lightning, Freelancer Platforms that pay with Bitcoin).
FIRE - financial independence retire early
How about sub for specific locale/language?
👌Podcasts been saying it for two years.
Could we have a general sub where people can post whatever takes their interest? Or is that opening a HUGE can of worms?! I'm thinking out loud tbh.
AI/3d Printing
But what happens with overlap? Can you add to 2+ subs?
Good question. I imagine crossposting like on reddit will be possible at some point.
Right, @k00b?
Yes but tbd ... UX is likely tricky ... it's also easy to abuse ... but maybe each additional sub 10x's the cost.
Ditch the idea of subs all together and go with a tag system. Obviously this would be a monumental change but it is food for thought.
Instead of having a Bitcoin sub, a privacy sub, a jobs sub, a development sub, an AI sub, an Art sub, etc, you could make it so one tag per post is required, the remaining tags come at an increasing cost
This way I can select tags in interested in and even merge tags to curate threads more specific to my interests.
I might be particularly interested in AI+technology or Bitcoin+development and Bitcoin+art but I may want to blacklist AI+art.
This could eliminate the need for cross posting and having a million subs for specific different reasons. If I'm just searching Bitcoin, I'd see all posts with that tag except for combos I've told the algo I don't like. Maybe if I search privacy, I'll see Nostr+privacy posts and Bitcoin+privacy posts and privacy+tech post.
Moderation would become increasing difficult with however more tags were introduced. A system where we can downvote with sats that would maybe be redistributed to positive contributors could lead to a pretty decently self regulated ecosystem.
Just an idea of had about improving Reddit in the past that could be applied here (potentially) but I'm no backend guy so I imagine this is a big ask
Agree with this idea. There are too many posts that involve more than one category. Take the PSBT coordination project on nostr for instance. What is the main category, bitcoin or nostr?
Some tags could have special prices (like jobs for example).
So instead of a formal tagging method of posts, with UI to accommodate it, wouldn't this comment reply be something to show under the ~bitcoin and ~meta tags, but then also I could add others somewhere in the message, at at the bottom of it, like this one has (and thus you basically search for posts and comments with ~bitcoin) to see this?
Or are you referring to how a moderator can tag my post (or "community style" where there is voting on what tag(s) are set my posts)?
I'm talking about tags acting as their own respective subreddits so to speak.
So instead of Bitcoin being a sub, it's just a tag. Instead of searching through all posts on the Bitcoin sub, we would just be searching or have selected posts with 'bitcoin' as a tag.
This should be viewed differently from a tag like 'nsfw'... Maybe I'll refer to that as a particular post as being 'labeled' as NSFW.
Instead of seeing a post on the privacy sub and the nostr sub and a nostrprivacy sub splintering conversation into three separate threads in three separate subs, you would have the one single thread show up if you were searching the tag of Nostr, or privacy, or Nostr+privacy 'tagchain' if you will, or these were whitelisted tags you've given the algo the go ahead that you prefer to see.
It gives the user the ability to zoom in and out of specific content really easily. Am I searching for Bitcoin or Bitcoin+development or Bitcoin+development+jobs, or etc.
I might think nostr+AI+art is insufferable, I can't stand to see one more AI generated purple ostrich so that's an easy blacklist. AI+art, see ya.
Nostr+beginner or Bitcoin+beginner or coldstorage+advanced etc these don't need to be separate areas when there is so much crossover relevancy. This would eliminate noise and focus discussion.
This helps shake up the whole sub system all together honestly. Scrolling Reddit feels stupid these days, when the same fuckin video shows up on crazyfuckinvideos and damnthatsinteresting and beamazed and videos and natureismetal and contagiouslaughter and funny and wowthatscrazy and Blackmagicfuckery etc etc etc.
If you ask me, the sub system is actually fuckin trash lmfao then you get moderators who decide how everyone else will play in their own little ecosystem they've decided to roleplay as 'God the moderator.'
People are always going to want to splinter off to dig deeper into any given topic and just adding an extra tag is a better solution than creating a whole new domain for that ultra-specific type of post.
Anyway, these are my 2 sats. Feel free to ask further questions
This idea is appealing. I've been considering it for a long time.
It's not obvious what the exact difference between a tag and a sub is depending on our definition of each. They both ultimately segregate by topic. But ...
IME What people usually mean by tag is that they are arbitrary and can be created on a whim.
Are there other differences that I'm missing?
Every feature of tags that you've described could also be achieved with subs -- because, again, it seems like the only difference between tags and subs is the friction to create the "topic space," ie subs have high friction and tags have low friction.
One of the things I can't figure out with tags is how to get tag "ownership" ... I want stacker created subs to be their own "nations" with their own economics and rules.
Maybe we can figure out a middle ground? Idk. Open to proposals. It's interesting to think about.
The difference is posts would just be tagged appropriately and publicly posted.
not posted IN Bitcoin, or IN AdvancedColdCardTutorial or IN PoliticalDiscussion or IN CanadianConservativePoliticalNews ... why do these need to be specific places with rulers? Just let posts be posts and help facilitate it to those who would be interested in it. The cream will rise to the top. I would require a root tag though, that's where it would be posted "in", if anywhere.... I wouldn't allow posts to be untagged.
side note: I don't know, is tag the wrong word? should it be label? whatever works really. I'm gonna start saying label instead of tag. I don't like to keep saying tag over and over again. tag tag tag, nah..
There would have to be some hierarchical system for the labels to be organized. SportsIceHockeyNHLNewYorkRangers shouldn't be a single labelchain (?_?) at least visibly like so... IDK there's got to be a point where the root of the labels becomes implied in the later ones... seeing {{[Sports]+[Baseball]+[MLB]+[BostonRedSocks]+[Daily Discussion]}} is pretty ugly and we also wouldn't want links like stacker.news/sports/IceHockey/NHL/NewYorkRangers/thread03374989 either I don't think? You'd hope that it'd just be stacker.news/NewYorkRangers/thread03374989 because if were talking about the rangers, we know we're talking about the NHL Sport of Ice Hockey.
I'm all over the place when I'm trying to explain ideas, bare with me. I'm going to present the Idea like I'm a new user creating an account and being introduced to this new ecosystem. I think it would be really easy and intuitive to onboard new users. let us roleplay:
I, the brand new user of Stacker News, am looking to participate in discussions of my favorite hockey team team, amongst other things that interest me.. As I make an account, I quickly create a lightning login account, click next, and some labels pop up.. I'm being asked to select labels that may be of interest to me. I choose some basic ones... they offered me some options to dig deeper into some of the different labels but I just want to browse so I've made some choices and left the preselected labels selected.
After clicking next, I'm browsing the home page... I would see posts that are trending with labels like [Sports] and [Gaming] and [Art] and [Politics] and [Science] and [Technology] and [Economics].
I click on the label [Sports] under one of the posts and I'm brought to a new page of posts all labelled with [Sports] including [NFL] and [MLS] and [Cricket] and [Ice Hockey] and [Boxing] and so on.
I click on a [Ice Hockey] label on a post and same thing, Now all posts I see are trending posts labelled with [Ice Hockey]... I can search these posts by top of the / most trending / most discussed / most... of the [choice of time frame] Like every other time I am reading through similarly labeled posts. While browsing [Ice Hockey], I see trending posts labeled with [NHL] and [SHL] and [KHL] and [OHL]. I click on [NHL].
I see posts with labels including [NewYorkRangers] and [BostonBruins] and [VegasGoldenKnights]... I click on [NewYorkRangers] and see trending posts with this label. I have arrived at the content I was seeking and have found the discussions I am looking for. I follow the [NewYorkRangers] label. When I follow it, I'm suggested a few other labels that users who follow [NewYorkRangers] also follow, including [NHL], [IceHockey]+[Prospect]+[Analysis], and [NewYorkJets]. I like to geek out about the draft so I'll also follow the [IceHockey]+[Prospect]+[Analysis] labelchain.
I go back to home page and begin browsing whatever content I am interested in. I start following labels that interest me. I follow [Advanced]+[Bitcoin]+[ColdCard]+[Tutorial]. I also follow [Advanced]+[Tutorial], so I'll see any post that has both labels on it. I follow [Historical]+[Japanese]+[Art] and [Modern]+[InteriorDesign]. I click on the 'trending labels' tab and It shows me info on how popular certain tags are, historical data on when certain combinations became popular. Other labelchains that may be of interest to me.
As I continue to use the website, I organize my lists of labels so I can easily sort through what I want to see with ease. Users share their own personal Labelchains. Some have them directly available on their user profile page and I can just click on it and see his exact feed on SN with all of his interests. I can save his labelchain and anyone elses and swap between them when I feel like my own feed is getting stale. When I see a label I like while I'm browsing someone else's feed, I can click a button that says Save to --> skreepchain #2 --> List --> Politics, or whatever you know?
Also, last thing, the creation of labels should be in some way crowdfunded so they are determined and not all over the place. You don't want users to create [Funny] and [Funnnny] and [Fuuunnny] and [funnnnnny] and [fffunny] and [ffuuunnnyy] and [fuunyyy] to be labels... you'd just want [Funny].... Then maybe one day a streamer who goes by [fffunny] comes along and his community wants to fund the tag to distinguish that particular content. Ultimately, you want determined tags the community has approved and actually wants to use.
I'd imagine users could place a deposit on a label proposal which would need X amount of users to donate a small amount in order to make that a label. Users could even go to a tab of the website where they see a label proposal board, where they pledge maybe 100 sats and pre-follow labels that have been proposed by users. This way the Label system could grow naturally. You could reward users for being founders with a special emblem. Funding for the label could even then be a pool that is used to reward users who post with the newly approved label to kickstart activity using that label.
In this process, you could determine ties to other labels, as in [IceHockey] and [NHL] are bound, just as [NHL] and [BostonBruins] are tied, but has nothing to do with [InteriorDesign]. This gives opportunity to determine community consensus on spelling/formatting and what should be and shouldn't be chained together and what is or isn't acceptable for this website (a profane label would never make it past proposal, and it would be like putting money in a fire lol...)
I've gone on long much too long for one post.... I've probably brought up too many things for y'all to even approach a cohesive response to lol... I actually do really like the overall idea of making the domains in which these posts exist much more modular and interconnected than tons of little nation states with their little rulers ruling over their little ecosystems.
Feel free to ask further questions, I noticed both you @koob and @kr took some form of interest in the concept. Let me know what you think.
I'm just spitballing ideas out loud but I will spend some time thinking over this
130 sats \ 0 replies \ @kr 8 Jun 2023
interesting idea, i like it
Didn't Balaji already tell us?
FTC: Balaji Srinivasan | Fiat Crisis #187305
ABC (AI, Bitcoin, China)
So AI would be the next sub to add.
I had a similar acronym:
BLASCAN (Bitcoin, Lightning, AI, Satellite Communications, and Nostr) #185357
Meaning I too figure AI is the next most significant category.
Sovereignity - as Darth always says, hyperbitcoinization will happen when people will learn how to be sovereign individuals
bitcoin - the new global reserve nostr - the new global social media exchange jobs - to share jobs macroeconomy - to share news about dollar and bank collapse etc technology - emerging technologies like flyzipline.com those of which are disruptive health - another core area people should invest into food - agriculture is another core area education - learning and upskilling ai - artificial intelligence is anyways coming democracy - cornerstone of civilisation
𝐇𝗼𝐰𝐝𝐲 𝐝𝗼 ? 🤠 👋 More cowboys hats
  • Mining (we all acknowledge how crucial it is but it doesn’t seem to get a proportional amount of news coverage or attention within the community)
  • Beginner (saw somebody below suggest this and think it’s a good idea, casting my vote for that idea here)
  • Q&A or “AMA” (it’s always great seeing the AMA “ask me anything” posts that people make sometimes. Maybe this already falls under the Discussion sub)
Also @Darthcoin was talking about a “Deals” or “Commerce” type of sub, I liked that idea a lot, casting another vote for that here.
I'd like to see a ~tech sub most of all. I like to keep track of new open source projects, even if they aren't related to Bitcoin.
If we're feeling really brave, we can add ~politics lol
Economy: sub for news related to general economy, central bank news, etc
Trading: sub for trading discussions about bitcoin price
Dev: sub for developers and technical papers, code examples, how to compile your wallet apps etc
~monero for discussion on privacy tech being applied, how it affects darknet marketplaces, ransomware hacks and sanctioned entities, discussion on cpu mining and how it relates to tor's new builtin ddos system, discussion on a healthy tail emission for continued block security, and L1 scalability, among other things
What we have already are fundamentals. Bitcoin is money, Nostr is social, Jobs is livelihood. So I ask what are similar fundamentals?
~energy - sourcing, production and use of energy ~economy - tracking the living web of activity formed by the subjects of the other subs
As much as I'm fond of what's above and their aesthetic, I believe the best way to grow is to build tools that get SN toward thousands of subs. Reddit is a good model whereas SN can take advantage of sat superpowers.
I'd really appreciate an AI images / art sub.
I think there is great opportunity and these posts can't do good on the ~/bitcoin sub. A technology sub would be great but it would also fragment existing posting base in a way an ai art sub would not.
second argument for this: SN isn't hosting images on it's own platform rn. An ~aiart sub would leverage this advantage piggybacking on these platforms. And image content has more engagement than text.
You forget the real engine of all economies....
I think Stacker News Tech is a good choice, it would be a pro-crypto tech sub different to Hacker News which is anti-crypto.
Decentralisation because it’s more attainable than full-blown anarchism and is a natural addition to the bitcoin and nostr subs.
~economy - a general macroeconomics sub. People like to post inflation/economy/job reports here. They mostly post those to substantiate hodl, but i think these posts are very frequent and they gather many sats
Shitcoins, lol so all those links and posts can stay out of my feed
~LNP ~other protocols ~securities-staking-&-affinity-scams
What about a shitcoin sub? ~shitcoin
A Misc. sub would help on a few fronts:
  1. It would keep the other subs more focused
  2. You can see what else the SN community is interested in and more easily identify what new subs to add
  3. New users who like the concept of SN, but whose primary interests aren't bitcoin or nostr will have a better experience using the site.
Another idea, which might be better implemented as a new post type than sub, is Prediction Markets. We've been having fun predicting sports outcomes, but it's totally dependent on someone promising a bounty for the winner. Being able to stake sats to a pool that pays out to the winners would be very cool.
IMO these boards are fracturing the user experience.
Few people know about them, and most probably just open the main page.
Why not just show them all in one feed but with tags? People could click a tag (like nostr) to filter.
Special page for jobs makes sense, but for general topics tags might be better.
What about we make a dev sub sub in bitcoin sub
Tutorials...how-to.... Long form and long living.
Ukraine. Because bitcoiners frequently relay Russian propaganda. I just wanted to post something but it was impossible because no sub.
It might be ~America, ~Europe, ~Asia subs. Ie general geo subs.
~privacy I think that this sub definitely does not hurt, judging by several of my posts, users have interest.
Privacy / human rights.
Both are under threat, and too many people have a lack of knowledge on what is being done to erode privacy globally. From digital ids to cbdc to internet censorship... The more we are aware the better.
I would like to see "Social Good" - there is a wealth of scam related stuff out there and negativity. Would be nice to absorb some good things for once.
Another idea: the more potentially toxic the sub can be, the higher the post/reply fee. For example, politics sub should have way higher fees than a gardening sub, unless gardeners suddenly split into two camps on which fertilizer to use - synthetic fertilizer maximalists vs cow shit(coiners).
A topic with slow time preference
I'm interested in seeing truly non bitcoin content.
Also I like the idea of the person starting new sub having to lock e.g. 1M sats.
because butts
See NSFW suggestion, in another comment.
Maybe not as next sub but ~til or ~eli5 would be cool
Yup -- very rarely do I see a TIL and not learn at least something useful and/or entertaining.
AI & memes
Yup, ~memes (or memes falling under a ~lounge sub ) was mentioned numerous times in a much earlier post where this same question was asked:
Ask SN: what should be our first sub? #11418
Interesting too that back then not a single request for ~ai, but this post has multiple, including yours.