The freshly developed cryptocurrencies, with the exception of Bitcoin forks, are managed and funded by businesses or institutions. As a result, these cryptocurrencies resemble stocks more. Considering it isn't connected to anyone and has no centralized organization overseeing its progress, bitcoin is special.
Long story short, BTC is different as:
  1. Bitcoin is a leaderless system of rules, not rulers
  2. Bitcoin Is actually decentralized (unlike many which just "look decentralized")
  3. Bitcoin Is censorship-resistant (like even if the government legally bans it, you can still use btc)
  4. Bitcoin Is seizure resistant (this is if you keep your pkey safe!)
  5. Bitcoin had a fair launch
  6. Bitcoin is issued based on proof-of-work (crypto like eth are based on proof-of-stake)
  7. Bitcoin is scarce
Hope that helps :)
Most definitely it does and elaborates more to all readers. Great contribution there
"Prometheus is best known for defying the Olympian gods by stealing fire from them and giving it to humanity in the form of technology, knowledge, and more generally, civilization."
You can give fire to the humanity only once.