And how do you plan to solve it?
I like to ask myself this question from time to time.
My biggest problem at the moment is that I have gained too much weight because I lost some discipline around eating healthy and doing sports in the last few years.
I plan to solve it by tracking what I eat (and thus at the same time keeping inventory); caring more about good sleep (since bad sleep means no workout) and trying to cook for myself almost every day instead of eating outside or ordering food.
Also, by posting this publicly, I hope that I hold myself more accountable, lol. If I made some decent progress and thus it is not too embarrassing to blog about this, I will probably write about it on
This blog post from Jameson Lopp was quite inspiring:
Spending too much time being distracted online rather than doing what I know I should be doing.
I feel you
This is increasingly everyone, sadly.
The applications built on top of TCP/IP need to stop being so damn entertaining
Just wait until AI is generating our customized dopamine fixes...
AI is going to look at the current algorithms on most social platforms and be like
Just realized my biggest problem now is that I have to think about what is my biggest problem. Thank you because, instead of thinking about all the problems, it is a good idea to focus on the biggest one first and fix it. Then it may become easier to overcome the other problems.
Haha, indeed
Big +1 to focusing on sleeping well and to track food (especially calories and then fat, sugar, carbs contents). This is super helpful to do for couple months to get a good sense in future about whether a given food is worth it. If you do this for some time, it becomes a skill... I really like MyFitnessPal - easy to add any meal into it, it can scan QR codes, etc.
Big +1 to focusing on sleeping well and to track food (especially calories and then fat, sugar, carbs contents). This is super helpful to do for couple months to get a good sense in future about whether a given food is worth it. If you do this for some time, it becomes a skill...
Yes, I agree! I did exactly that in the past and noticed that you learn to make better decisions about eating something: Would I rather eat this chocolate or actually a proper meal? The meal wins more often than not
I really like MyFitnessPal - easy to add any meal into it, it can scan QR codes, etc.
I used MyFitnessPal in the past but I think I couldn't stand all the "bloat" after some time. I started to develop my own simple web app (typical developer, thinks he can do develop something better, lol) but my frontend skills were lacking back then.
Maybe I could give it another try. I already implemented most of the stuff I needed, the only thing blocking were really the frontend stuff.
Yeah, I have been there too šŸ˜¹ now I have a rule - only explore & change your tools once a quarter
Same boat, getting more active helps with mental health and sleep too.
My biggest problem is still not having enough money and being disillusioned with the world around me though. The exercise helps tho ;)
To have a better financial/budget understanding. Currently I run out of money with 10 or more days until next paycheck. I'm not sure how it happens, but it is certainly draining a lot of energy. I have a somewhat demanding job but I feel like the salery isn't cutting it for me. Perhaps because everything suddenly became much more expenssive than it used to be, like 3 times the normal price and the salery only increased by 3%. Solution to this could be having a job on the side, but I'm not sure when I would be able to do more work
Have you tried ? There is a 34 day trial available.
For me, it's a life saver. Can't live without it now. Helps a lot with being on top of bills by creating budgets for everything in advance ("Give Every Dollar a Job")
My biggest problem at the moment is that I have gained too much weight because I lost some discipline around eating healthy and doing sports in the last few years.
bingo for me too. I am trying to just ā€œeat lessā€. I do a good job of exercise, but man do I always end up increasing the amount I eat. And i try things that while good ideas, I use as gimmicks that I give up on (intermittent fasting, macro dieting changes, etc.).
One thing I realize ilI do which sounds so stupid once I realized it, but I act like calorie count resets at midnight. So, if I do well under eating one day, Iā€™ll think I can eat more the next day for breakfast or lunch or whenever. So, now Iā€™m just committing to getting used to eating less. We shall see!
One thing I realize ilI do which sounds so stupid once I realized it, but I act like calorie count resets at midnight. So, if I do well under eating one day, Iā€™ll think I can eat more the next day for breakfast or lunch or whenever. So, now Iā€™m just committing to getting used to eating less. We shall see!
Intermittent fasting or even OMAD is what helped me a lot with this.
With OMAD, you can basically "eat as much as you want and whatever" but only as a single meal per day.
However, you can't eat that much in a single session and you definitely don't want to waste your only time to eat with unhealthy food, lol
Intermittent fasting is the lesser extreme. You only have 8 hours (or whatever schedule you want to go with) to eat so you naturally tend to eat less than if you have 24 hours and can eat whenever.
Curious how the hell do you avoid acid reflux at night on OMAD? Been doing IF for over a decade but have to keep from eating too much at night and certain foods otherwise it screws up my sleep bigtime. Sadly recall being able to eat whatever I wanted when I was younger...
Lol, was going to say weight and health as well. Gotta get on it.
My biggest problem at the moment is that I have gained too much weight because I lost some discipline around eating healthy and doing sports in the last few years.
I definitely have this problem too. We should maybe do a weight loss bet together lol.
The biggest problem I have is one I canā€™t solve for directly: I need more time in the day.
Iā€™ve been trying to get better about not doing everything that doesnā€™t require I do it, but itā€™s only a partial solve.
I definitely have this problem too. We should maybe do a weight loss bet together lol.
lol but yes, this is indeed a good idea. Just need to flesh out the details haha
I like to think that I can turn my life around any day ... but this also means I can do it tomorrow haha. 6 weeks of discipline can change a lot of things, getting the ball rolling is the hardest part. I already did make quite some progress in the past using intermittent fasting but that is now 3 years ago. Even though I may also done it by accident since these were times in my life were I was just too busy and lazy to cook something and too frugal to eat outside, haha
(There is a talk from A. Antonopoulos where he mentions he lost 20 pounds because he was so intrigued by bitcoin.)
I used to run a lot in the past and was very competitive with myself. I was trying to join the "sub 17" club: Running 5 km in less than 17 minutes.
My best was around 19 minutes which I hit consistently for weeks. Was actually pretty crazy to see how my time didn't change much; was always the same with +-3 seconds.
Feels so long ago now
I also try to relate being more healthy in general with bitcoin: Doing sports is a low time preference thing since it means you care about the future ;) Leading by example by losing weight is also very similar to how I handle bitcoin with my surroundings.
I think nostr is a great place to experiment with habit apps since other people in your community can keep you accountable and you can even implement incentive structures
Like build a habit app that integrates with nostr? That sounds cool. But, I canā€™t quite picture how it would work. I need to learn nostr better.
Too much happening & not enough time to go deep into it....
You need a healthy diet, meat-based, less alc (I know, it's tough) and to establish a daily work-out at home or at a gym if You need external motivation and a coach to introduce You to training intervals and nutrition. Body and brain only need some weeks to establish a new routine... that's the secret. I am working 2 h every morning on my exercise bike at home, after having breakfast (nat yoghurt and fruits, one lemon, fried eggs). You need to integrate sport and a healthy diet into Your daily life so that there won't be any exceptions. Good luck, buddy, You can do it
less alc (I know, it's tough)
Actually, that's not though for me at all. I never really understood what people like so much about alcohol or getting drunk. The two most socially accepted drugs (alcohol and nicotine) are in fact the two worst drugs based on the drug experience and health effects. There are drugs out there which have a much better drug experience imo without so many negative health effects
Body and brain only need some weeks to establish a new routine...
Definitely, habit building is quite powerful. I think 6 weeks is a good estimate when habits become automatic. You can feel the resistence of not continuing the habit then. I felt that when I used to do more sports. You start to feel really bad when not being able to workout for whatever reason. You want to workout!
I've used Loop Habit Tracker (GitHub | F-Droid ) to track things like this, and it works great.
You define your own habits, so it's pretty flexible. I've used it to lose weight, drink less alcohol, spend less money, create more stuff, exercise more, etc.
Oh, I have that app! But I somehow stopped using it even though I actually liked it a lot. Thanks for reminding me about it!
These are the habits I track:
Try to use Huel or other natural protein powders when hungry that have lots of protein in them and very little sugar / carbohydrates. Helped me a lot last 4+ years.
Logging food takes too much energy for me.
I would 16/8h fasting in case and have 1 cheat day a week where you eat what you want quilt free, as a starter. Good luck!
My problem is Iā€™m not finding a new job because I canā€™t stay where I am now due to legal regulations in academia. Been try to find one for two years now but unsuccessfully. If I donā€™t manage that in the nearest future, Iā€˜d need to leave academia, which is kind of sad. But maybe itā€™s not, who knowsā€¦
  • Being a slave in the fiat mine, the root cause from which all other problems in life arise.
  • Look for ways to maximize my income
  • Keep stacking sats
  • Minimalist spending
problem: fiat mining - it sucks
solution: looking, applying, and getting into a bitcoin role
Problem: High time preference. How to solve it?: Hard money (Bitcoin).
By posting about fasting, you must keep fasting as post says! šŸ˜
Took a huge pay cut and got a demotion at work along with my peers. Iā€™m resilient and will land a new guy shortly!
This thread's interesting. Almost everyone has some variant of the same problems, you'll notice.
  1. Get healthier
  2. Use time better
  3. Make more money
Wait, guys, I just had a stunningly original idea no one has ever had.
Since so many of us have the same problems, and the same goals, and the same interests... what if we worked together to overcome our problems and achieve our goals? šŸ¤”
Oh and not doing enough for university haha
edit: lol, I just posted this and then continued with whatever I was doing. However, the post immediately showed up on which means someone just tipped my post.
Feels good!
trying to search for gap limit problem, but ended up finding this interesting post. šŸ‘€
You body is probably starving for nutrients. Change the way you think about weight loss. Try full carnivore or Keto for 30 days.
My job. Took a 25% pay cut back in July.. Lamo. Almost got a new one though
Right now my main problem is the lack of permanent income. I am slowly spending all my savings, but I am earning almost nothing. I chose this way myself in order to get rid of hired work. The goal is to make bitcoin my main source of income. I have enough experience to teach newbies, to immerse them in this rabbit hole, but I keep learning new information on the subject myself. The problem is that I'm a terrible salesman. I don't know how to properly monetize my knowledge and get people interested.
Even if your a terrible salesman you can still be better at it (read how to win friends and influence people for a start)
Quitting work with no income + rely on Bitcoin = may take its toll on you emotionally

I wanted to get a job in the Bitcoin space and tried (still does) but couldnt as I wasnt technical enough so I created my own by simply educating people (History of money and everything Bitcoin) .... how to get people interested? understand where the person is coming from, put your self in their shoes (Whats In it for me?) and speak to their emotions, offer something outrageous (if you dont get value out of my workshop then you get your $ back, no questions asked)
Lack of humility
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Keep at it! I hope things turn improve for you soon.
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