"We are experiencing systematic issues when users receive lightning payments due to the fact that Muun is NOT a lightning wallet and we've gone through great lengths to conceal the fact that every payment or receive is two on chain transactions.
We brought this on ourselves and this will not be fixed"
Fixed it for them.
No one here will be surprised to hear that. What the hell are fees looking like? If I'm not mistaken, actual fees paid is not very transparent for the average user, but I could be wrong. I don't use the wallet.
as a non technical person, muun is probably the most reliable lightning wallet(more reliable than phoenix or breeze but slightly higher fees)... its the one ive used to most for 'orange pilling'... ie to get people from 0-25000 sats in less than 2 minutes.
Have fun getting fucked by Muun...
i just use it for small transactions and orange pilling. im not getting fucked by anybody, except your mom.
munn is a fantastic swap service
big lightning transaction in --> onchain out
But you pay dearly for the former, no?
in both ways

They should be running those automatic submarine swaps in Liquid.

Their model doesn’t work on L1 with high fees.
  • Muun hosts the Lightning Wallet but it credits you on Liquid on every transfer ( automatic submarine swaps ) minus fees ofc.
  • No need to do peg-ins-outs on every transaction. They just need to have a mirrored amount of liquidity on each network and rebalance occasionally.
I don't understand why anyone would use muun as a wallet, only to transfere between ln and chain.
Because users mistakenly think this is a convenience. In fact, most users do not need this function. Separate processing of lightning and on-chain can usually save more fees.
Hey guys, remember this conversation? #91021
Who would have guessed?
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