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I think many of you are not guilty of this but in the past I was. I see a lot of people getting all pumped about RFK. Don't get me wrong. I love to see anyone talk in support of bitcoin. My point is, don't trust ANY politicians. First, we don't need them. They need us and our support. Second, bitcoin will never succeed based on on the actions of politicians. Yes, they can fight it or support it but in the end it is the plebs that count. Use bitcoin, tell others, and support those that do the same.
I'm not telling you to not vote or support politicians you agree with but just know, you can't trust them and should not trust them.
End PSA.
It's worth pointing out that recent advances in language models make it easy to authentically parrot talking points and fool niche communities into believing you care about their issues
Politicians love it when people think they "really care"
Try not to be fooled
Yep. I try to do the following
  • Follow the incentives
  • Don't trust, verify
  • Don't believe liars
These are the main reasons I don't trust any politician and I sure don't put any hope in them. The whole system is designed to incentivize this behavior of deceiving people into thinking they care. The issue isn't JUST that politicians are snakes. Its that the system attracts those type of people and rewards this behavior.
"The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion."
~ Albert Camus
324 sats \ 1 reply \ @ewok 5 May 2023
A bitcoin president would still have to battle the majority of congress, public sentiment, banks and media etc. But at a minimum, this gives a chance we hear "bitcoin" in a debate down the line, which is nice.
Yep, I say more power to him in running and speaking for freedom. I just don't pin any hope in this as the path to a bitcoin future.
I don't understand the interest around RFK. He's a high profile bitcoin ally (seemingly), but he's not going to win a presidential election, nor be able to make meaningful change should he win an election.
Afaict he's simply pairing the world's oldest affinity scam (blood relation) to the newest, "I support crypto."
I think I understand it. It is simply that people want someone to speak for them. We are conditioned in the US to put our faith in "the system" and electing the "right team". You are correct in your assessment.
At best the RFK pro-bitcoin stance is a signal that this is a popular position among his potential supporters.
I meant to add, I think this was a big part of Trump's success with people that I never dreamed would support someone like him. He seemed to stand up for them when others would not. That is the perception at least. I've talked to many folks I know that are Trump fans or at least supported him. I hear this same thing over and over. This is the flaw these politicians exploit. They pit us against each other and use us to gain power. The first step to freedom is in your own mind. We have far more power over our futures than any politician.
It definitely seems like a good sign. Although, I'd be more excited to see a mainstream politician support bitcoin.
There are a few aren't there? Ted Cruz and Cynthia Lummis. Probably more I'm not aware of. If bitcoin is successful we will see more of this. I think it is important to remember though that this is not the way bitcoin wins. It is at best a sign it is winning. Winning is bitcoin being impossible to oppose and gain widespread support.
Biden's dumb mining tax is basically the opposite of this. A scam to get votes. Most of these people don't even understand the basics of the Internet. It is an absolute joke that they are respected by people at all. Our ancestors will mock the stupidity of giving these clowns any power over our futures.
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The issues of politics are systemic rather than administrative, so it takes a lot more than voting in order to bring about true reform. Voting is an action that just gets filtered, anyway. I take a politician's pro-bitcoin stance as nothing more than advertising.
Also, I genuinely fear for RFK's life as the Kennedys have had a long history of being...punished for their anti-establishment stances
If we've learn anything from the past, from history, it should be that you should not put your trust into people with power or people seeking to gain power. Someone who doesn't even know you, doesn't have a relationship with you, but promises to provide for you, take care of you, protect you, is someone who will probably steal from you, take advantage over you, hurt you.
You don't need politicians. Invest in yourself and provide for yourself. Seek value in yourself instead of others. Value yourself.
The man who does not value himself, cannot value anything or anyone.
Ayn Rand
Politicians have broken so many promises that the entire political landscape clearly cannot be trusted.
RFK is not a politician. That’s his appeal.
What political office has he held? When did he collect a government salary? When was the last time he ran for office?
How about criticizing career politicians like Biden who has never had a non political job?
I totally agree.
Even if politicians agreed to support Bitcoin, another election could reverse and or destroy everything.
Bitcoin and politicians will never work in my opinion, because a government is always expanding, which requires the money printing press. If a government wanted to reduce size and stay small, even then I wouldn't trust it, because that could change with another election.
Yup spot on. Be careful folks!
Good reflection. Your arguments are clear. Bitcoin only needs Users (ourselves) to be viable and advance in its adoption. Any other support is positive but not essential. BTC has real intrinsic value.
It can't hurt to keep track of what politicians are for or against Bitcoin. Regardless of official political party alliance, if you actively support Bitcoin, you are part of the global Orange Party.
Bitcoin doesn't need a party. = Yes. Vote harder. = Yes. They can't stop Bitcoin. = Yes. Bitcoin doesn't care. = Yes.
Regardless, the list of politicians getting orange pilled is growing.
After the last election im incredibly skeptical of all politicians
:) this is good. You should be. Welcome to the crew.