I've added your podcast to https://btcdir.org/
Firstly, hats off to @k00b for creating this platform. I've been looking for a community myself. Twitter is great but it gets very noisy to discover interesting stuff. Reddit is still stuck in shitcoinery.
About the podcast, we're just two plebs who decided to start documenting our voices as we learn about Bitcoin. It's surprising a lot of whom we think as smart people don't get Bitcoin. We noticed we were repeating our arguments to our friends and family and thought a podcast might not be a bad way to point them at. Instead of giving them 5 articles and 10 podcasts to consume, we're making them listen to our podcast. The plan is to start at beginner level and cover as many topics in the future and hopefully, some day, have guests come over if they are willing :D. Although the content might not be new, we realized people who share similar background might related to it and having more voices in this space doesn't hurt.
Let me know your thoughts, I'd love to collect feedback :)
Nice, I'll give it a listen.
Thanks Gigi. Fan of your content and the book. Would love to have you on the pod some day.
Listening to ep 2. Great explainer!