Calling all Bitcoin builders!
Leave a comment below to let the SN community know what you're working on this week. It doesn't matter how big or small your project is, or how much progress you've made.
Just share what you're up to, and let the community know if you want any feedback or help.
If you missed last week's thread, here are the updates SN users shared from all their latest work projects.
Bringing the world's first bitcoin reward plugins to platforms like Shopify with Joltz!
Outside of work, playing around with LNUrl login, WebLN payments & Nostr all at the same time.
Quite a few project ideas, but still ducking around and iterating on what will have the biggest impact with Bitcoiners.
Continuing to spread the word about our SHAmory x Built With Bitcoin #MySHAmmy water project as we march towards our goal of raising $7k and building a new water well in Africa.
cool, have you considered fundraising on geyser? there are a bunch of projects raising millions of sats for all kinds of initiatives on there

I just bought

  • I'm building a Chrome/Firefox extension that lets you comment on any website on the open web.
  • This is important because it's increasingly common for the media to disable comments on controversial pieces.
  • Comment on any youtube video, any news article, any tweet with blocked replies, etc. Alll over NOSTR in a decentralized way.
developping a backend (powered by fastapi) to provide nip05, lnaddress paid/free services on a custom domain, with a possible service management directly through nostr DMs for customers.
I guess I don't need to make it a mystery. I am the developer behind @hn.
Yesterday, I fixed my crontab entry using ChatGPT again since it mentioned that maybe the executable I want to run wasn't in my path. And it was right! I wrote hnbot instead of ./hnbot, lol.
But now the bot has been crossposting fine and even already earned some sats.
However, it doesn't care about dupes yet. I will most likely fix that today.
Afterwards, I will add multi-session support to It's getting pretty annoying to get logged out on desktop, when I want to look at my profile on mobile.
I'm finishing up NIP-05 in Outer Space. It's taking more time than I wanted - attempting to set a strong tone for UI/UX and viewing a lot of the tech stuff as foundational. Hoping to finish it up by EoW.
I'm also mining a vanity npub for Outer Space using a 192 cpu machine on AWS. Hoping to get lucky on a 10 character prefix, but have a few 7 and 8 char runner-ups.
57 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 14 Apr 2023
And btw, wouldn't it be more efficient to run this on a GPU? Is there no code to find vanity npubs for GPUs yet?
It would be, but no one has a written GPU npub miner yet afaik.
haha, were you inspired by Snowden's npub?
Nah but that's a sweet one!
I'm working on patience
Brining Dao's to bitcoin by creating an open source protocol built on the BTC network that allows individuals to create governance protocols for their communities
Looking for developers and interested contributor's to help with project
Trying to bring the secret gem to as many people as possible. Trying to see how we can change our future together for better through this hidden gem called ChatAny.
Welcome to catstar, a global social metaverse platform!!!
Start a journey to a digital virtual world and archive a wealthy life in future 100% free.
ChatAny - Chat Anywhere - With Anyone
ChatAny is the first virtual social platform of the next generation metaverse that supports global users to make friends, Live, and without borders. On the basis of LBS (Location Based Services) functionality, the users can find nearby persons or users from anywhere in the world that you are interested in real time and easily start conversation by using the system's automatic language translation.
Based on the BLOCKCHAIN technology, ChatAny will issue CAT (ChatAny Token) as a universal point within the platform metaverse system, and take advantage of DAO (Decentralised Autonomous Organisation) to achieve decentralised governance. Catstar is ChatAny's global version of Chaos, design to connect users around the world ahead of time by distributing CAT for free. CAT as a global operating fund lately to be used in a transparent and standardized way after voting by community nodes, issued a total of 1 trillion of which 20% will be a long-term locked position, and 80% will be mined for free by users around the world. You can check it out for yourself
Currently coding a new way for my lightning network node advisor to analyze the network so I can finally account for fees, and be able to advice the nodes that brings the most liquidity in the direction you need it most
This week I started on the network transport. Spent 3 days mired in the misery and caveats and gotchas of alternatives to TCP (and QUIC), started working with libp2p two days ago, and will have the active retransmit avoidance dynamic error correction protocol done in the next days.
Libp2p is amazing. I want to build the lower layers of the network packet protocol leaner and fitted to the retransmit avoidance system, specifically, to tell the stack to stop trying to send packets that are part of a message that was already decoded... but that is for another time.
The result will be that Indra will have a latency delay penalty that is not as far from a simple tunnel as a Tor hidden service is. While being a hidden service. Privacy by default. Nobody knows where you sent your signals from except the immediate neighbbour in the path.
I don't understand much about networking but looking forward to Indra. How long until we can start using it?
Learning about bamboo. The right sort is hard enough for building and its very easy to work with. Grows fast too. Some species are edible as well. If all else fails with a bit of land and some giant bamboo, could probably run a bamboo farm like that for profit. + bamboo groves are amazing for meditation so even as a tourist attraction it could make a little bit of sats.
57 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 13 Apr 2023
I heard bamboo can be pretty invasive
Some are worse than others, like night and day. The ones im interested in are considered the most invasive. But thats also part of the fun i mean managing the spreading kind succesfully. I was originally going to get the most cold hardy one possible, but i decided to get one that is less hardy so that if there is a severe winter it could wipe them out. It will be a fail safe of sorts.
Nostrichat extension 🤙 #163977