This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
A cheese toastie must be the best food on earth
Today I downloaded bitcoin magazine. Am reading bitcoin news and every other content about bitcoin. I am really being informed and unlearning what I thought I knew.
If you read the magazine through the carrot app you get paid sats every time you read one.
That's the app I am using
Sticking it out with compass mining is bearing fruit! Still not perfect but it hasn’t blown up in my face yet. Lets see what the future brings
Was reading about bloom filters, used for topic inclusion on Ethereum:
Pretty cool, it's a probabilistic data structure
It's quite awesome to run a few miners for a few sats per hour.
They might be worth nothing now, but every sat is precious anyway....
Trying to use bitcoin more lately. Been occasionally doing spend and replace for some online purchases by using The Bitcoin Company for gift cards, earn some rewards with the ability to withdraw via lightning.
Also installed Bisq for my potential next buys. Just have to get a little more comfortable with the interface. Gotta start a new non KYC wallet.
Day by day. Have a good one stackers!
Straight from the LLaMA's mouth!
Connected Zeus to my node today and learn more about HTLCs. One small step every day.
I got Zap connected to my node, it's awesome!
Semi-annual ✅ up with doc.
Stacking sats, being humble.
Does anyone have a good source for live credit default swaps (CDS) quotes, now that CNBC has apparently removed them from its site? I want to watch the collapse in real time.
Good morning @k00b God bless you, I am vibing on stream as usual :3 I hope you're well :)
Since deleting my twitter account my only way to judge the state of bitcoin twitter are the tweets posted here on Stacker News. Can someone give me a sense of whether or not there is still a vibrant bitcoin twitter community? I'm told nostr has made a dent, but I have no way to judge to what extent.
Not as vibrant as it once was but Bitcoin Twitter is still pretty good.
twatter = noise SN = signal