I'm waiting to open new channels on LN until the mempool is emptier
It's about relative savings, not total cost of opening channels. If you think you'll use those channels for X transactions then how much does that save you in fees or convenience? Or if you're routing, can you make up in that in fees and are you pricing the fees accordingly?
Getting into the next block is still relatively cheap anyways.
You are right. However, it is not so important for me to open these channels, so I will wait and see what happens.
what part of the lgbtq does that flag represent
bitcoinsexual, it's people who are really attracted to other people who use bitcoin
The mempool graph is the true equality flag
Fee market is working as expected
FTFY: “Blockspace¹ market is working as expected”
¹ the scarce good we’re bidding on is blockspace, not fees
@k00b: The markup help-text claims that my subtext should have worked. ;)
Footnotes work.1
  1. but <sub> and <sup> don't I guess. I'll create a GH issue.
Cool, thanks. I’ll use that next time ;)
So, this would stand to reason that soon bitcoin is only for the rich if fees keep rising.
onchain is only for big transactions. lightning is for small transactions. no communist propaganda.
True, however, now there are about 45 mil wallets. Imagine this number grows 10 times, what happens then to onchain. People still need to use it. LN will help, but does not solve the low TPS and price/tx increase.
if 45 million wallets open a new channel ALL AT THE SAME TIME it will take less than 10 days to complete them. (this not include any type of improvement like batching them). after than they can transact every day, hundreds of times AT DAY FOR EVER LAURA!
Yes, but for what price, if mempools get 10x larger and btc increases in price.
People seem to believe they can get away with 1 - 2 sat/vB transactions and don't mind waiting. But you can argue mempool being this full means fees will go up soon as people start to think/accept 1-2 sat/vB is no longer possible. There will essentially be price discovery which is a technical term for explosion in the fees in this case. But let's see.
BTW. The only exchange that seems prepared for this is Kraken.
this next cycle, everyone may just move on to layer 2 out of necessity. I think we all knew it was going to happen eventually, jpegs are just moving the timetables up.
Really need the coinbases of the world to get on board. All it can do is save them money and make their service snappier, there's no downsides for them other than working against their slow shitcoin shilling.
если комиссии будут превышать расходы на запуск пк квант то я сделаю мем пул сюпустой за 1 час... и этого будет достаточно для дальнейшего набора транзакций. а точнее 33 дня.
The security of Bitcoin long term requires a healthy mempool never empty.
I bet the same people complaining about high fees - also convince each other that Bitcoin global hashrate won't be affected with block subsidy going to zero, some day in the future... :)
I also think that this is the most data waiting for confirmation so far, but not the most blocks worth of transactions waiting. In January 2018 we had a depth of 331 blocks, now it’s only 245 so far (but the blocks are bigger now).
I don’t know if we will ever see an empty mempool again or not. If Inscriptions remain popular, we might always have a backlog going forth. We might even if Inscriptions don’t. Or maybe it will clear again. It did briefly clear on the 26th of February, well into the Inscription hype.
In the meantime you can see how a clean ordinals mempool looks like by running ordisrespector https://clean-mempool.bitcoinbarcelona.xyz/
Noone knows if mempool will be "empty" again. We can try to guess, I think ordinals are on a momentum and it won't last could be wrong
Once the recession really hits, there won't be as much "stupid money" floating around for fads like NFT's
Totally agrees
Wen 1 sat per byte?
If Bitcoin is successful we will never see empty mempools. I'm not convinced that we have reached that point yet though. Sure looks like we might be there though. I've had no issues getting my transactions in though. I'd rather see this than empty near empty blocks.
tl;dr - No - everyone needs to adapt - everything will be built on top of bitcoin, fees reflect that reality
Never will we see an empty mempool. The LSP's need to adapt, you need to adapt. Competition is here.
This is only natural since it's the part of the path of "everything will be built on top of bitcoin". If you can't pay the fees to get the onchain security, your application is not worthy of it.
I don't know why mempool.space allows the mempool to spill over 300MB, but mempool on my node is 300 MB since that is my limit.
Get prunin'
Yes, 300 MB is the default value, but you can set it higher if you want. Would be nice to know what their actual limit is
I do 500MB and mine is only showing 478MB total. Not even full yet
ive heard people say that since 2017, idk about empty, but i do think eventually 1 sat/byte will be avail for next block
I think yes
конечно увидим. с запуском квантового пк. использовать ресурс на час и собрать блоки с высокой комиссией выгоднее чем считать что то другое.
It's definitely just temporary, imo. Zoom out. The last time mempool saw this much activity was Jan 2021, and it lasted about 6-7 months, until July. Mempool was then completely dead for 1.5 years until now.
I'd say at worst, this congestion takes 6 months to clear. But it will clear.
Umbrel should really make their BTC node software more open to configuration. Time to run ordisrespector. Fuck ordinals.
I broadcast a non-urgent on chain tx at 1 sat/vbyte about a week ago partly just to see if it would go thru in such a crowded environment, mempool.space was showing about 95 blocks worth of unconfirmed txs
Took about 3 days to confirm. It's a stupidly long time but for that specific transaction it wasn't an issue at all, I would have been ok to wait a week before RBFing it.
If you have time on your side you don't really lose anything by sending it in at 1 sat, worst that could happen is you get purged and then you just try again with a small increase. But if you're waiting around not doing anything, might as well, no?
Did you or the recipient CPFP it, or did a miner organically select the transaction? Because 1 ṩ/vB transactions shouldn’t have made it into any blocks since 2023-03-07, and that’s a bit more than about a week.
I also have a hard time believing this
Isn't it funny that 3 days is a "stupidly long time" for a transaction, but that's the standard the legacy banking system operates on? I think sometimes we take for granted just how fast bitcoin is, even when it's at its slowest :)
Not in my mempool. got ordinal disrespector?
A gigameg! 🤣