I talked to 21 whole coiners for advice about accumulating 1 full BTC ...
Here are 21 lessons i leared:

1. Self custody

Always. Send your BTC to cold storage. Don't hesitate because of high network fees when mempool activity is high. Rather pay 10% or more to secure your coins than risk loosing 100% of a cosiderable amount.

2. Back up well

Restore a wallet at least once. Make sure you know how to get back your coins in a worst case scenario. (Also make sure your heirs are able to do it when time comes.)

3. Never try to time the market

DCA. Set it and forget it. Monthly, weekly, by-weekly or daily doesn't matter. Choose what best suits you. Do this for the majority of your BTC allocation. You can not time the bottom. Period. (But you can have a little pile of FIAT to buy dips when they occur.)

4. You can not time the top either

Never sell the majority of your Stack. Take a little profit if things go parabolic to reward yourself but always keep your main stack intact. It can be hard to get it back. And it will only go up with time. HODL and understand what you own.

5. Keep emotions out

Greed and fear are the main factors for people to get wrecked. Slow steady purchases, even tiny ones, all go to building a stack.

6. Never use leverage

Just don't. No, not even if BTC is below 10k. Make sure every sat you own truely belongs to you.

7. Every sat counts

Even if it's small amounts, just keep dca-ing and stacking sats. Little pieces add up. 0.001 BTC = $25 at the time of this writing. Do this 100 times and you have a tenth of a BTC. If you have very little FIAT, stack free sats. You can:
Remember: Faucets used to give hundreds of Bitcoin per day. Now it's 5-250 sats 10 years later. In 10 years it may be 1-5 sats.

8. Don't go all in

Keep FIAT to survive hard times without being forced to sell BTC. (for example 6 months of monthly spending)

9. Enjoy life while stacking

There is only one thing that is more precious than Bitcoin. It is lifetime. Stack sats, but also stack moments. Be present and enjoy life. Every day. No amount of BTC can ever buy back lifetime. Remind yourself of this often.

10. Don't forget yourself

Always have a little fun money to maintain hobbys, traveling and to treat yourself. Otherwise you might burn out quickly.

11. Involve your significant other

Make sure he/she knows the reason why you do what you do. Otherwise you risk burnig out him/her too.

12. Automate and relax

When you check you portfolio ten times a day or more think of automating things. Don't trade lifetime and serenity for small gains.

13. Don't do shitcoins

Most altcoins never reach their ATH again. BTC and BTC only.

14. Stay humble

Never get lured by offers that promise yield in exchange for holding your BTC. FTX was a recent example of how that can end.

15. You lost your keys in a boating accident

Never share how much Bitcoin you own. Better yet, don't share that you own any at all (exception: rule #11). The less is known about you having BTC, the less risk. Also consider buying non KYC. For example with robosats.

16. Don't rush. Be patient

It is a marathon, not a sprint. Time is on your side. You already own Bitcoin. You won. It isn't a race like with FIAT where you have to fight inflation. You preserve wealth.

17. Increase your FIAT earnings

Learn profitable skills to increase your buying power and generally grow as a person. Even if you loose all your wealth, nobody can take away your skills to accumulate it again.

18. Don't compare

Every stack of BTC is better than no stack of BTC. And even if you are a whale: there will always be a bigger fish somewhere in the sea ...

19. You don't need 1 full BTC

This was huge for me! The urge to have one full BTC is very FIAT minded thinking. Goals are cool but:
21 million BTC / 8 billion humans in the world =0,00262500 BTC
And not even that is possible because of the 1,1 m BTC wallet of Satoshi Nakamoto and lost coins. You can find out the exact amount every individual on earth could possibly own at satoshisperperson.com.
Not everyone needs a whole coin. About 225.000 sats = your little block of Bitcoin. ... That's roughly $55 at the time of this writing. Got that? Congratulations! 99% of people are still on zero. Safe your share and then slowly add more every pay check.

20. Change perspective

You can change settings in your wallet to display value in sats rather than BTC. This liberates from the feeling of shortage and the urge to fill that full BTC. It opens up the feeling of gratitude and abundance.

21. Always learn

Keep educating yourself about Bitcoin. The rabbit hole is deep ...

Thank you!

Thank you wonderfull people who helped me gather those tips. I chose conciously to not give personell credit in this post because of rule #15 =)

Check out Nostr

Huge shout out to the Nostr protocoll and all the devs involved. Without an anonymous network like this it would have been extremely hard if not impossible to gather that much information from real whole coiners in that short amount of time. If you haven't tried Nostr yet, consider giving it a try. It's an extremely positive community where value flows like Bitcoin in the early days.

What have i missed?

Do you agree with these tips? Did i miss any? Please let me know and help refine this set of rules so we can breed more an more whole coiners over time ... or let's rather call it 'satoshi millionaires' (see rule #19 ;-)
P.S. Feel free to tip me some sats or share this post if you find it helpful. Working on my own little stack too ;-)
My favorite one is self custody
Thanks for the feedback =)
Yes, it's also my most important learning, that's why i put it right at the beginning. Everyone should learn this right from the start.
Have a great weekend mate!
Terrific thread. Thank you for this
Thanks mate =)
No advice hits like
Never try to time the market
XD yeah ... but one thing is hearing it and another really not trying XD
Have a great weekend mate!
биткоин = инструкция. сделай как Сатоши и все станет ясно
Self custody, and it's a marathon. Both things I'm glad I internalized.
100 % ... but the marathon thing is a hard lesson to learn when you are a newbee ... most newbees come to bitcoin because they want to get rich fast XD at least that is my experience
Good list, but there are plenty of ways to earn BTC as well.
Thanks mate =)
Great addition! Can you share the ones you know? I would love to dive into this =)
Thank you! Really apreciate it =D
The new commandments
Yes, they really are. If every one in crypto space would live by them, we would have heaven on earth =)
Wonderful piece, thank you!
I personally enjoy self-education. Point number 21 is my favorite.
Thanks for the feedback!
Yes, it is really required. Not only with BTC but generaly in life. A lot of stuff you need is not taught in school.
They teach you for example how to calculate credit payments, but not how the money system fundamentally works.
If you are not currious by yourself you are lost in this world ...
Great list. I would suggest just have a goal, ignore the noise, and stack as hard as you can. Your goal should be attainable (let's face it, none of us are going to out stack Saylor) but a stretch. If you really want to be a full coiner make your long term goal 2. Magic of thinking big and all, if you stretch your goal you will work harder to get there and even if you don't make it you will be better off than if you made an easily attainable goal.
My goal is 10BTC by 2035. This year I am trying to stack .5. As price rises it will be more difficult to reach this goal but if I end up with 5BTC instead of 10 in 2035 I think I will probably still be ok with that.
Stack sats every day, make it a habit. You won't believe what you will accomplish in a decade simply putting one foot in front of the other. If you don't have a lot of family commitments take on odd jobs or projects to stack more sats. Before my business was doing well and I could live comfortably, I used to take on extra projects and side jobs on weekends and would usually make an additional 800-1000 a month doing that. If you could even do half that and make an extra 500 a month to sweep into Bitcoin, on top of your daily stacking, your balance will grow faster than you think.
Happy stacking. Hit me up if you need any stacking, career or business advice.
Cheers, GR
Thanks for the great addition! =)
I really like that i idea .. it reminds me of the saying:
Aim for the stars and you will land on the moon =)
I like that approach. But i think it's not for everyone ... for examample i myself am tempted to loose myself in such goals and completely burn myself out to reach it. So the abundance described in #19 and #20 really helps me. But i want to try to find a way to implement this tip ... Thanks!
I already have a side hustle which is okay to maintain at the moment but as i get older, i also plan to have a family soon. Will see how that works out ...
Thanks for the kind offer mate! Really appreciate it! Are you on nostr? Would love to connect there =) You can find me by my npub:
Yes I am on nostr. I will add you.
Cool! I am looking forward to it. Hit me up there =)
I dont believe in point 8 .... it can be a great strategy IF you HAVE revenue streams and dont need that stash for a few years
Thanks for the feedback =)
So you think going all in would be the better way?
But what if you go all in, then comes a bear market and you need money for a high bill? like the car broke down or a large medical expanse. You would be either forced to sell at a loss or take a credit, which could be even worse in such market conditions.
I think the milage varies. Not everyone needs to have fiat for 6 months. some may be ok with 3, others may need 12. But i still think it is a good idea, to have a buffer that protects your investment =)
i suggest you look at my statement again ... I said its great IF you HAVE revenue streams ...
in other words, you dont need it at all so u forget about it for a while
As for the medical bill or any emergency, its a matter of probablities and anyone need to factor that (in my case when I said ALL IN it didnt mean I put everything I have as i factor other stuff ... I have other revenue streams, my expenses are low, in case of an emergency I have some fiat and family/friends for extreme cases
there is no one great strategy as it depends on personal condition, expenses, obligations, revenues, risk appetite etc....
Oh, sorry, my bad XD i read to fast and just made assumptions.
100% agreed. If you don't rely on the money, you can put it in BTC.
Yes, it is very different for everyone. But like you say, everyone should know the risks and manage his investments accordingly =)
Have a great weekend!
Brilliant, without self custody there is always the chance to do stupid shit like gambling!
Thanks for the wise words mate =)
Indeed. Exchanges are coking up with more and more ways to seduce you to let tham get their hands on your hard earned coins.
You have to be strong otherwise you end up like oddyseus at the circe's ...
начни майнить. что бы понять всю идею биткоина...
Спасибо за ценную мысль! Я изучаю русский язык, и это было хорошей практикой для меня =)
К сожалению, майнить не везде так просто. В основном из-за больших энергозатрат =/

start mining. to understand the whole idea of ​​bitcoin...
Thanks for the valuable thought! I'm learning russian and this was good practice for me =)
Unfortunately, mining is not so easy everywhere. Mainly because of the high energy costs =/
да много я знаю языков... но с помощью какого языка можно описать и рассказать то что есть немыслемое? думаю что этот синтетических язык позволит составить слова и мысли грамотно. майнинг это лишь % от понимания биткоина.
Да, я думаю, вам просто нужно испытать это на себе. Погрузитесь в нее... многое узнаете между строк =)
есть описание на других к слову Кивергентный? даже нейросеть не знает... спросите...
Good sums up, and I will add:
  • Educate more people about Bitcoin
  • Learn how to earn Bitcoin ⚡️
good points ... you can download my material if you wanna organe pill anyone :)
Uuuhh, that are some great additions!
Thank you Natalia =)
I think the saying is right: if you can explain something to others you really understand. That is a good practise with btc. Espacially when it helpds to spred it's adoption.
The earn in Bitcoin aspect is completely new for me. Thanks for that hint! Will dig into this immediatly =D
Have a great day!
Excellent approach. The emotional discipline is key and perhaps what is most difficult.
Thanks mate, really appriciate it =)
It really is. I find myself a lot of times fighting with fomo and stuff. It really helps to talk to veterans in this game. It calmed my mind and i want to remind myself of those things often. That's also one reason i created this post.
Have a great day sir!
Self-custody is what I like most here
Thanks for the feedback!
Yes, it's is one of the most important if not the most important rule. That's why i listed it immediately as the first rule =)
I am greatful i learned this pretty early. Probably saved my from some bad experiences and losses.
Enjoy your day sir! =)
azte.co is another place to stack ethical Bitcoin (i.e., Bitcoin that you acquired without having to divulge personal information).
Its terminal is a PoS device with an Android device inside it, so it can double as your Samourai Wallet if you're not otherwise an Android user!
Thank you mate for the addition!
I was also pointed to bisq.network for purchasing non KYC BTC. Unfortunately i found out, that there is no way to edit a post on stacker.news so i can't include these in the post. But they live in the comments now for those interested =)
Have a great day sir! =)
great tips!
Thank you! Hope i can live by them now =) Maybe will have to come back here now and then to remind myself =)
This is a good list, thanks for sharing. Sats for you!
Thank you =) Really appreciate your feedback! And the sats too! =D
What it feels like to be a whole coiner?
good question ..... we are greedy creatures .... even if you have 1 ... u still feel its not enough and you want 10 .... when u have 10 then u wanna 100 ...etc....
Unfortunally i don't know yet XD
But from my talks to some of them i think it is not as special as we think. Many told me 'after 1 comes 2, then 3 ...'
It is like when you earn your first $1000 i guess. We humans get used to this things fast. But i imagine it is a good feeling of abundance to know that you have stored that much value somewhere =)
All speculations ... Hope we will find out some day bro! =D
It's a little bit sad that we never have enough btc :))
Yes but i think #20 really helps with that. Display sats instead of btc amount =)
I did it and feel much more satisfied when looking into my wallet.
Thank You! Glad you like it =)