Well, I've been trying out some different blogs in the past, like substacks. I'm ready to go all in with Nostr so... I will move all my content from substack to Habla.news.
Here is the short article about 6 mins to read :
The cool part is that you can edit your article at anytime. Is not as intuitive as the centralized, but hell is still pretty damn good. Besides, you can get zap (sats over lightning) from your followers. Pretty neat.
I will be trying it more when I have some time off, in the meantime I'll let you to it.
PSA: To log in you need to have the Nostr extension in your browser and set it up with your private key (if you want to have your "accounts linked" sort of saying. If not, you can generate a new private key. Without the add-on you won't be able to see the "Login" button.
I haven't read the article yet, but Habla (is it "to speak" in Spanish?) looks great. But I'm not sure if I get how it works anyway.
Would be more like “talk”. Once you log in you just get to writing, it’s pretty easy. Now on now it works on a technical perspective I’m not sure. Because it doesn’t really post anything in other clients, so my bet is that that “post” only will work with that client
Like "talk" in imperative form, actually, more like "you talk".
As for the contents, habla.news is using a few different relays, like relay.snort.social, relay.damus.io, relay.nostr.wirednet.jp, nos.lol, nostr.wine, so other clients should be able to read the article (events) from those relays, as well.
Perhaps they are a certain kind of nostr event other than "1" or whatever type other clients are fetching from relays and they'd need to query them for this other certain kind of events to be able to retrieve them and show them to you?
Thanks for clearing that out! And yeah, agree on that. It has to be a different “type of” note or event. Maybe I’ll try to look at the same article on a different client like one I saw not long ago, it’s called blog something. Currently at work so I can’t take a look at it.
If it shows means that the clients query for different types of events. Having a look at the event on nostr.guru will help
I noticed at the top several relays I connect to on other clients. It doesn't show those notes though? It somehow makes a distinction that these are long-form writings?
I'm trying out https://blogstack.io/ also, I like the UI more than Habla.news if I'm honest but it's quite buggy ATM. The site still needs some touches as well... But we will see what happens, everything is going too fast lol
That been said, I do thing the protocol tag them under different types called "Kind(s)" So, that might be why.