I am having tremendous fun using this website. It is the source for signal and a great example alongside nostr for how micro transaction and value transfer can better the broader internet.
Hacker News -> Stacker News.
I couldn't agree more. I discovered SN in May and I haven't even thought of searching reddit or twitter since. Not only that, but the constant improvements in functionality m are it better and better.
The evolution of a bitcoiner:
Reddit --> Stacker News Twitter --> Nostr
First LN experience here, gotta say, monetizing daily life routine is a great way to get people into crypto! They see all volatility and run for the hills! Now people can quickly stack stats and “cash out” (HODL for me baby 😎) Easy secondary income is gonna be all the rage in the coming recession
I'm on HN for decades, this is what I was looking for in the BTC space! Awesome.
Completely agree. I'm a fan of the simplicity of SN.
You hit the nail on the head.
Lol I can attest to that having tried to teach someone how to set up a nostr account and handle private keys, a lot of people are not ready for whats coming and having a place that can give them training wheels in messing with LN is totally needed
I am addicted to SN in a good way. It is now my go-to. Amazing experience.
It seems to be incentivizing valuable comments and replies.
Truly it is 😊
I'm very optimistic about Bitcoin and related technology right now. Hopefully, the governments will not start cracking down a lot.
Seriously, any crackdownonable technology is not worth defending.
Any technology is crackdownonable, since it is in the end used by people. If the government says "if you are caught/seen using X, you will go to jail for life," it is a major crackdown.
I am not saying this will stop Bitcoin, but it might severely hinder it and cripple it. Bitcoin will not be "turned off", but if there are no exchanges, no apps on the App Store (because Apple wants to be compliant with laws), what will you do?
Bitcoin wasn't made to be used via cexes and apple store apps. It was made to be used in a P2P way. There are dexes like robosats, bisq and hodlhodl. The government can go fuck itself.
Couldn’t agree more with the last sentence.
Now if the same experience could apply to all things, not just Bitcoin :)