Calling all Bitcoin builders!
Leave a comment below to let the SN community know what you're working on this week. It doesn't matter how big or small your project is, or how much progress you've made.
Just share what you're up to, and let the community know if you want any feedback or help.
If you missed last week's thread, here are the updates SN users shared from all their latest work projects.
Among other things, I contacted almost every pool I could find to pitch them on running full-rbf.
Good example of how Bitcoin really works actually: Core developers don't have any direct power. To make something change, users and miners have to be convinced to run new code and/or change configuration options. In some cases, not very many people have to be convinced: full-rbf just needs a few miners opting in to be useful. In other cases, pretty much everyone needs to be convinced: tail emission isn't going to happen without a hard fork and wide support.
Of course, I'm personally being sued by Craig Wright, who claims I among other people can give him coins that he claims are stolen (with zero hard evidence). It's a laughable lawsuit: can't even get full-rbf widely enabled without convincing a lot of people. šŸ˜‚
Just so you know, if the courts order you to make a change to Bitcoin Core to reassign UTXOs to a fraudster, I will 100% definitely not be running that code. šŸ˜†
It's probably helpful if more people make clear statements like this. So thanks.
In any case, at the moment it would not only be morally wrong to write that node. It might even be legally dangerous: there's every reason to think those coins aren't his. So by writing that code you could arguably be participating in theft.
Did the nostr waitlist earlier in the week along with some repo management and automation for all mutiny code. Rest of the week is going to work on an LSP.
I added FaceID (and other biometrics) login to Zeus wallet which is beta right now.
And now Iā€˜m back to working on Right now I implement direct channel opening via WebLN.
And a few friends asked me to explain bitcoin to them this week. So Iā€™m kind of preparing what Iā€™m gonna tell them.
I'm trying to get more people curious, I'm trying to explain bitcoin to merchants, we're creating groups for each region of Italy for more distributed outreach, it's hard, I'm not giving up.
good effort ... you can download and use this content to help you with education
I have a desk job (software engineer), but I need a side gig and it has to be something related to Bitcoin. So, I have an idea and I'm going to pitch it here. Please pick it apart and tell me if you think I'm being niave.
The past few years saw a boom in open-source software solutions for Bitcoin, especially in Lightning and point-of-sale solutions. I believe the next few years is going to see a boom in adoption of those new technologies, now that they are available. I think the number of merchants who desire to accept Bitcoin as payment is growing, but the barrier to entry for them is extremely high. Restaurant owners do not have the time or skills to setup their nodes, BTCPay server, train employees, ect. So I want to offer a service to do it for them.
The problem is, merchants are not going to want to purchase a node AND pay someone to help them set everything up. For comparison, a Square POS system costs $50 for the iOS mobile solution, and about $150 for those nice desktop ones. And Square is easy enough to setup themselves. So, spending $1,000 for a private node is going to be a hard sell. (I'm assuming $500 for a Start9 Embassy One, and another $500 to pay someone to set it up)
So, my proposal is to offer this service FOR FREE. The merchant will only have to purchase their node for about $500. I'll do the rest for free. Here is how I'll monetize:
  1. Crowd sourcing funding. I will ask for donations from the plebs. I think most of us agree how important it is to improve merchant adoption around the world, so I think there are enough passionate Bitcoiners that can help make this work.
  2. Youtube. For each merchant I help onboard, I will also create a short 2-3 minute Youtube video. I'll interview the owner about their business and about how they got into Bitcoin, etc. This gives Bitcoiners their own Youtube channel for finding local businesses. It gives the merchants free advertising. And it gives me a small income stream from Youtube (hopefully).
  3. For each merchant I help onboard, I will open a LN channel from my node. This gives them instant inbound liquidity, and I will ensure to keep inbound liquidity to them. This gives me routing fees. I know this is a very small income stream, which alone wouldn't even make a dent. But it's just a small piece.
  4. Greater adoption increases the value of my Sats. I dislike mentioning this one, because I am not in Bitcoin for the monetary gains, I'm here for the revolution. But still, it matters a little when considering a business plan.
And that's it. I have nearly free airfare, and my day job is mostly remote. So, I have the ability to go to the merchants wherever they are at no cost to them. This makes me uniquely positioned to do this.
So what do you guys think? Please, be critical.
You're not comparing the best companies.
Have a look at OpenNode, they are great. It can be used free if you schedule your payments, supports lightning, on-chain, and even payments in fiat.
For your business, you would probably need to consider insurance, etc. What happens if the node goes down?, if you lose money?, if it doesn't work, etc? So many problems can happen, you need to be prepared.
I figured I would spend 5-8 hours at each site. It wouldn't take long to set up the node. The remaining time would be spent teaching the owner and staff. Thus, I consider my business to be more of a teaching role than an IT/tech one. Remember, they aren't paying me anything. I have no obligation to them after I leave. I would make myself available for short phone calls if something goes wrong. But there would be no contract and no obligation to do so.
I know there are a lot of options for people, like OpenNode and Voltage. But not many people know about it, unless you're heavily involved in the Bitcoin world already. I'm thinking I can incorporate those services as an option for merchants and I will teach them the pros/cons of each option and let them decide.
Businesses want to have support.
Very few will be happy to get something running and then not having anyone to contact when things go wrong. And I mean more than just a simple call, more like "fix it, now"
Revamping my fiat job's website
Nostr log in to Plebeian Market...
Just editing a new video for my Bitcoin Youtube Channel, this week's video is a tutorial about @coinos
Will be release soon!
Ordered dedicated components to finally get my Bitcoin node up and running!
Living and breathing #Nostr build the Current App
wow thats really educative
Getting caught up on the latest Nostr developments this week, lots to learn
working on - a nostr based pastebin
Adding NIP-26 delegation support and event history/log to Nostore.
Posting fresh content on āš”ļøāš”ļø
Is simple: how to fuck the government. Every day. Non-stop.
Finishing an e-commerce site build (where you can pay with Bitcoin and Lightning āš” of course)
Researching a simple LN browser extension project
Working on a mobile BDK and LDK rewards app
Researching a Web LN site build
All over the place šŸ˜…
I was building a nostr relay (I'm calling it booger), but then I started implementing NIP-57 and handful of other stuff came up.
I will probably end the day reviewing (and possibly merging) the bookmark PR. Then I also need to put up a job opening for SN. Maybe I'll get back to booger by the end of the week.
Among other things, looking more into details of LN address and LNURL in general. Plan is to write script for sending to LN address from command line with CLN (for cln-scripts project) and to improve LN address support in SatSale.
I am writing a NIP to specify how something like "websites" [0] could be built on Nostr. This is inspired by HATEOAS [1], which is an obscure, but critical, aspect of REST.
I think I've figured out the essence of how clients would create "websites", hyperlinks to notes of any kind, and provide server-like responses (e.g. click a button and the other client responds with a note containing more HTML).
In this way, Nostr clients can present RESTful APIs to other Nostr clients, which enables things that are impossible with ordinary HTML servers (e.g. "websites" that cannot be feasibly taken down by court order or DDoS).
[0] = "Website" is a bad name for this, which is why I put the word in quotes.
[1] = HATEOAS is an acronym for "Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State". See this for a short explanation.