I have read some articles I like on the platform but haven't found where to save them. I don't just want to bookmark it to my laptop's browser as I might go to where I'm using a mobile phone and I will be lost in accessing the article.
The bookmark feature is sorely missed. 😪
Use instapaper
I have used instapaper for many many years, it's good, but they have not innovated for quite a while.
Readwise is rolling out a similar app. It's currently in beta, and has support for rss feeds, PDF documents, mailing lists, etc...
I forgot instapaper was a thing. Used it years ago. I will check it out again, thanks!
I agree a bookmark would be nice.
In the mean time, I usually just put a 1 sat tip on the article, then go to wallet, then wallet history, then filter by spent. This gives you indirect away to come back to the article to read.
Plus if you want to bookmark it, it’s probably worth at least 1 sat anyway.
I will stick to this method before the feature comes
genius, i usually leave a bookmark as comment. im stealing your idea
Yep how I do it. just throw a sat.
I personally tip to bookmark. Works great.
Yes please lists would be good and would be cool if posts could show how many times it has been book marked to show other readers this is a popular post