Thank you @Tony for telling me about the project.
Hello. My name is Denis. I have been blind since birth (the optic nerve is damaged), but despite this I have been programming since 2017. I know Javascript, php. I am a supporter of web 3.0, blockchains, cryptocurrencies. Since 2019, I began to study the topic of Bitcoin and LN: I gradually fell in love with it very much. My dream is to start developing for Lightning.

The history of coming to the cryptocurrency sphere

In November 2017, I entered a query in the search engine. I found an article. After reading, I became interested in what kind of site. It turned out that this is a fork of Steem - Golos. Having gradually studied it, he began to master other assets.

What I used from the Bitcoin sphere

  1. - it's a pity that it's closing.
  2. Alby - LN wallet.
Now I'm starting to master something else. I hope the experience will be positive. And maybe I'll create something myself...

I will be glad of your comments and likes

Thank you for your attention.
Welcome to Stacker News! My comment is to focus on Bitcoin and forget about the shitcoins.
A couple of years ago a dev was developing a Bitcoin Wallet for Blind people, I lost track of this project but maybe you are interested.
"Welcome to Stacker News!"
Thank you.
"My comment is to focus on Bitcoin and forget about the shitcoins. A couple of years ago a dev was developing a Bitcoin Wallet for Blind people, I lost track of this project but maybe you are interested. Here is an article about it:"
Thank you. I'll take a look. I just couldn't even imagine how functional Bitcoin could be. I am glad that it is also possible to do decentralized projects here.
Welcome! Is there anything obvious we can do to make stacker news easier to use for people with limited sight?
I'm not always conscious of accessibility stuff when I'm programming - but I'd like to get better.
Kind of a tangent but one professor I had in college said the best programmer he knew was blind ... he guessed it was something about the increased cost of debugging leading to better code overall.
"Welcome! Is there anything obvious we can do to make stacker news easier to use for people with limited sight?"
Hello. Sorry for the late response. I was programming... There is not enough level 1 heading for articles on the page with the title (h1). There is not enough designation with h2 or h3 headers on the page of the post feeds. It's easier to navigate through them this way. In general, it is quite convenient. Thank you.
"I'm not always conscious of accessibility stuff when I'm programming - but I'd like to get better". I'm glad of it.
"Kind of a tangent but one professor I had in college said the best programmer he knew was blind ... he guessed it was something about the increased cost of debugging leading to better code overall".
We read the code line by line, according to the words. Therefore, the quality is probably better, although I often encounter shortcomings in my own, and since it takes a long time to read a large code, I encounter them in the process of work.
Hi Tony! Welcome to stacker news!
Welcome. Would you be interested in sharing your experience using bitcoin wallets? We did accessibility research last year in the bitcoin design community and found a lot of problems with wallets that basically made them unusable. Common problems were QR codes that were not annotated for screen readers, modals that could not be closed, icon buttons without labels, etc. There is more information on the accessibility page here in the design guide. Most are fairly simple things to fix from a technical perspective, and we sent our test results to various projects and filed issues. However, we do not have anyone in the group who is low-vision, so learning from your lived experience could help in really understanding what needs to be improved.
  1. How do you program? Do you use text-to-speech for your code?
  2. Can you imagine what "seeing" is like? Or is that like asking someone to imagine a color he has never seen before?
  3. Would you say your other senses are heightened compared to "seeing people"?
  4. Do you still "see" something like blackness or how can I imagine how it is to be blind? I also guess there is a difference if you were blind from birth vs. becoming blind afterwards.
"1. How do you program? Do you use text-to-speech for your code?"
Да. Я использую программу экранного доступа NVDA, озвучивающую все мои действия и события в ОС. Естественно читаю и пишу код тоже с её помощью.
"2. Can you imagine what "seeing" is like? Or is that like asking someone to imagine a color he has never seen before?"
I have very weak partial vision, so I see large objects, distinguish some colors. But I can't read the text on paper or monitor anymore, just as I don't understand the images on the monitor.
"3. Would you say your other senses are heightened compared to "seeing people"?
Yes. I noticed this.
"4. Do you still "see" something like blackness or how can I imagine how it is to be blind? I also guess there is a difference if you were blind from birth vs. becoming blind afterwards."
As I have already said, fortunately there is partial vision, but it is impossible to use it in technology, so I dream of restoration. I have poor eyesight since birth: the optic nerve is damaged.
I think neuralink by elon musk is coming up with something like a camera that can be attached in front of the eye sending signals to a chip implanted in the brain and connected to the visual cortex which can bring back vision partly. may take few more years to be used commonly by people. attaching a link to a youtube video on this from elon musk himself.
lol, I think I mistook this for an AMA haha
Still interesting questions :)
haha thx
Belated welcome to SN! Thanks for sharing your story. I enjoyed reading it.
This is amazing. I asked a question about this on Twitter and Nostr. It is really great to know that nobody is left behind on Bitcoin. Keep up the good work Denis.
How do you study, code and post on forums without vision? You are truly a super-hero.
Thank you. I use the NVDA screen access program. She voices all my actions and events in the system with a speech synthesizer: a specially generated voice. I perceive the code as a specific language of speech.
You are amazing man!
Hey Denis!
Welcome. Thanks for sharing your story.
Thank you. You are welcome.
you are an inspiration for us all
lntxbot was great sad to see it go.
welcome to have some sats homie
"you are an inspiration for us all"
Thank you.
"welcome to have some sats homie".
Thank you.
Inspiring :^)
Thank you.
Welcome sir. I'm really impressed that bind people can still become developers! I had absolutely no idea it was even possible. I'm really happy to learn this today. Have fun in the bitcoin ecosystem and on
Thank you.
Welcome to Stacker News Denis!
Cheers from Area Layer! :)
Thank you.
Welcome to the community Denis! Great to have you here! Let the folks know if there are aspects of Bitcoin that are particularly not accessible.
"Welcome to the community Denis! Great to have you here!"
Thank you.
"Let the folks know if there are aspects of Bitcoin that are particularly not accessible."
It seems that core wallet wasn't particularly affordable, but I don't remember anymore, because now I use another one: Alby, as well as one with a lot of cryptocurrencies. Thank you for asking.