We have not one, not two, not three, but FOUR places that accept Bitcoin:
  • Supremus Crossfit
  • Soul Kitchen cafe
  • Bella Braga restaurant
  • Nordico coffeeshop
Please support these local, owner operated businesses if you are passing through. They are all within walking distance from the train station.
Since not everyone knows where Braga is, here is a link with coordinates:
Nice. Maybe they should consider reaching out to ad agencies and travel agencies to advertise specifically to Bitcoiners. Maybe that's what brought you here.
Do they have posters up at the airport?
There is no airport, it's a small town, lol
Open to more ideas like these though, for spreading the word
Bus stops, billboards, signage, benches, the top of your head.
A huge fucking ₿ painted on the roof. I find shit via Google maps.
"Hey do you think this place with the 30 foot northern-aligned Bitcoin logo painted on the roof takes Bitcoin?" Probably not, eh? lol