As you may have noticed, due to the fact that there are lot of bugs going on and my lack of time to fix them, the bot is going to be turned off. It may come back later, but I can't say when (I'd rather improve OBW and Cliche first). If it comes back it will probably have a different architecture.
In the meantime, please remove your funds using the /paynow command (and be patient as the bot funds bucket must be refilled manually by me as people withdraw, for everybody to withdraw the process will probably take many weeks).
If you want another bot for tipping people on Telegram, I recommend @zebedeebot (also on Discord), which I had a big part in writing therefore it can't be anything else than amazing (and I'm sure it doesn't have any of the bugs lntxbot currently has).
@zebedeebot works as an interface to your wallet, so you need to have an account there and to "pair" it with the bot once. You can however tip anyone without them having to have an account first.
@fiatjaf is being modest here, he basically wrote all of ZBD Bot for Telegram. We're also going to be bringing some of the best features of LNTXBot into it to make the migration from LNTXBot to ZBD Bot as smooth as possible for folks.
Why don't you buy LNTXBOT and run it along?
lntxbot is open source, they wouldn't have to buy it. but if it's full of bugs, what would be the point?
Buy handle and preserve some old functionality.
Is it already under some pressure? I can’t seem to query balances or pay.
Ok will try to explain it so to be clear to everybody (I discussed with fiatjaf).
The bot server was hard to maintain (channels, database, bugs etc). Fiatjaf is very busy at the moment with so many stuff on his head (NOSTR, OBW, Cliche, Poncho, etc) and this bot was occupying a lot of time.

ALL FUNDS ARE OK, Nobody is running with your few sats from tips. Especially not fiatjaf.

So... fiatjaf have to do a manual process with those withdrawals:
  • refill node LN channels with the amount necessary for pending withdrawals. Running a LN node with enough liquidity for many withdrawals is not easy. Run your own node and you will see how is it.
  • he will refill 1M sats per batch
  • if your withdrawal it fails, try again later or use smaller amounts.

The procedure to withdraw is simple:

  1. Go to Telegram and type / balance. See how much you have USABLE. note it down.
  2. Open whatever other LN wallet and create an invoice with that amount. I suggest to put it slightly less, for LN fees and also a small donation to fiatjaf, for his work. Copy that LN invoice
  3. Go to lntxbot chat again and type /paynow lnbc1.... (paste there your LN invoice).
Done. You will receive your sats in your other LN wallet.
As I said: be patient, sometimes the bot is heavy accessed and have to restarted. That's why fiatjaf want to shut it down for restructure.
it’s the risk of individual project, good lucks
he will refill 1M sats per batch
What's the reasoning for such small batches? My balance on LNTXBOT is actually above that amount.
There are too many desperate lntxbot conflip degenerate gamblers that want their sats out. People in general do not have patience, this is a painful manual process that take time. For more users taking out sats, more bot node will drain out channels, so fiatjaf will need to refill those.
Now he implemented a quick "waiting line" for withdrawals to slow down this madness.
People should just stay calm, it's supposed to even be back maybe. But if users will be so impatient, will make angry fiatjaf and will never resuscitate this wonderful bot. Don't stress him too much.
No worries, thanks! I appreciate all the work that @fiatjaf and yourself are doing. This is making a huge positive impact on Bitcoin.
That’s too bad. This was a neat bot / helped demo LN capabilities.
Yes... during years I use it to onboard hundreds of noobs. Great tool for onboarding on Bitcoin and LN. Hopefully it will come back after redesign.
LNTXBOT was the first wallet I downloaded on Telegram when I was a newbie. a lot of time has passed, thanks @fiatjaf
Bot responds to balance requests, but the command /paynow responds with an error. In January, I was in queue, in February the bot did not respond to requests. What is the injustice (( Funds are now lost?
Kind of unsatisfying... I waited my turn for 7 days after February 1, but on February 7, 8 and today the bot does not respond to commands. Is it still alive?
"We're only processing commands from people with ids such that id % 30 < 7 today. Your id is 250671. Come back in 15 days."
Encouraging, it's better than nothing ))
Can I still rescue my sats? Until what day can I do it?
just go to @lntxbot chat and ask your balance and you will be informed when you could take out your 100 sats And then use the /paynow command to send those sats to any other LN wallet.
Just checked it - the bot does not respond. I also tried it through BlueWallet and got API failure
Will not work from another app, only from telegram command. All withdrawals are done manually by fiatjaf, so be patient.
ok. Thank you for the info fiatjaf
I think lntxbot tried to do too many things at once. Instead of shutting it down completely, it could just be streamlined, remove most of the advanced functionalities and I'm sure you'll get rid of much of the bugs.
"We're only processing commands from people with ids such that id % 100 < 1 today. Your id is 3*****. Come back in 51 days."
more like /paylater :)
I have a tiny balance of 480 sats. How do you donate them? I don’t want them back
just leave them there. Is nothing to withdraw, the sats are already in fiatjaf node, the lntxbot was just a database, not real wallets.
i get the folling error:
  • Remote failure at unknown channel
  • TemporaryChannelFailure at 706688x1390x1 (036f77)