Calling all Bitcoin builders...
Leave a comment below to let the SN community know what you're working on this week. It doesn't matter how big or small your project is, or how much progress you've made.
Just share what you're up to, and let the community know if you want any feedback or help.
If you missed last week's thread, here are the updates SN users shared from all their latest work projects.
I'm continuing work on the WYSIWYG editor for SN (and fielding lots of inbound requests for nostr stuff lol).
The WYSIWYG functionality is almost there - hopefully by EOW. Then it's UI/UX.
I estimated 14 days for adding WYSIWYG. It's looking roughly accurate. As for dev time on a single feature it's probably second to only WoT.
Yes sir markdown will still be an option for wizards.
Although I do intend to disable headings in comments lol.
something about nostr really gets people going, wasn’t expecting to see so many responses on yesterday’s thread
It has a lot of signs of something that will be big - a toy1 that lots of smart people are playing with unpaid. Jack came along and brought everyone's attention to those signs.


  1. I mean toy the way pg means in his essay How to Get Startup Ideas:
    Just as trying to think up startup ideas tends to produce bad ones, working on things that could be dismissed as "toys" often produces good ones. When something is described as a toy, that means it has everything an idea needs except being important. It's cool; users love it; it just doesn't matter. But if you're living in the future and you build something cool that users love, it may matter more than outsiders think. Microcomputers seemed like toys when Apple and Microsoft started working on them. I'm old enough to remember that era; the usual term for people with their own microcomputers was "hobbyists." BackRub seemed like an inconsequential science project. The Facebook was just a way for undergrads to stalk one another.
Yup, it reminds me of this Chris Dixon article too… feels like the seeds of a new industry have been planted by a bunch of smart people playing with Nostr on weekends.
Earning 10,000 sats to transfer them to a Phoenix wallet and start running my node on my phone. Yes I know I can just buy the sats but I think I will feel proud of myself if I stack these sats bit by bit from platforms like SN!
Drop a couple of LN invoices on Nostr. People are crazy about them and pay them as mad.
I tried but I just couldn’t seem to post. Haha will try again tomorrow. Thanks for the pro tip
Did you create your set of keys (private/public) and add some relays to your client before trying to post an event (note).
Not really, no. I had absolutely no clue of what I was doing, so, the first client I tried probably created a bunch of key pairs (one every time I tried something), until I learned that I needed to keep (and back up) my keys, so that I could use the private one to sign my events to send to relays. What a (fun) ride it was! Haha
Ooooohh farts. I can't believe I asked you (@senseigetcrypto) that question and then I saw my own reply with that question to you and replied to it without realizing it was my own.
I should probably be getting a little less nostr and SN, and a little more rest and sleep.
But I appreciate all your insights here! 😉
Did you finally manage to post on nostr, then?
My big focus the last few weeks (whenever I get the chance to code on mutiny during holidays) has been mutiny user to mutiny user connections in our wallet.
IE, a mobile user connecting and opening channel to another mobile user. I see why no apps allow that lol. But I've got all the main cases handled, I just have to clean up code and test edge cases. This'll be an important functionality for many other p2p features in the future, like DLCs.
i want more apps themed like mutiny
Shipped it! (without cleaning the code, I got forced into merging early :( )
We have a new URL for testnet if people want to play with it.
Interesting, can you share any details about how Mutiny users might make use of DLCs in the future?
Yeah we want to support two main use cases (but in theory there's many more, Ben is the expert in DLCs not me haha).
  1. Betting (users betting with each other on generic things that an oracle can confirm, like sports)
  2. CFDs to try to represent longing / shorting BTC as a fiat denominated representation of their sats.
So we want users to be able to do this among themselves, so again need p2p connection functionality. Possible long term future against us as a service offering or order book.
Hope to roll out Geyser Grants Round2
I am automating a few things I do on my pc with short python scripts. As a Linux noob I still don't get how to integrate them into the OS. The windows sheduler felt better / less janky ... idk how to word it differently 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
What's the windows scheduler?
You can use cron or systemd timers for scheduling on Linux.
Cron for smaller tasks, systemd for heavier tasks I'd say.
I am working to separate bitcoin content from language barrier and publish it freely and accesible on a value for value basis on:
I'm shifting my career focus to lightning payment integration for companies. I'm focused on BTCPay Server specifically and will work with companies and individuals to reduce operating costs and expand their payment methods.
I just submitted my application to Wolf!
Android apps: Bitcoin Metrics and ChatGPT3 wrapper
Cool. Will this wrapper offer features that ChatGPT doesn’t? Or just an improved UX?
Well you can use the microphone to input text, and eventually I'll add text to voice output for responses as well.
I just recorded a quick video tutorial for creating Bitcoin NFC cards, then I stamped some fiat bills with bitcoin stamper and then I printed LNURLw QR codes on small pieces of paper to give away ~10 USD of sats to people as tips (on the other side of the card is QR to @DarthCoin's LN tutorial in Spanish...)
And I just posted the video here
I built a small python app that I can run alongside my node and accept lightning address payments. It’s nothing new but gave me a chance to play with my node’s LND gRPC api. Note you still need to host a well-known text file somewhere 😃
Can you elaborate? You mean you can send invoices to this server and it will automatically pay them?
For companies with a calendar year close it's almost time to close 2022...
At Layers, we are working to save time and manual resources for LN node operators to help provide audit reporting and corroborate their node data as they close their books.
First two audit reports for your node are free here:
nostr proof of work events…
Bringing lightning to - app for managing group expenses. At the end of your trip, when it's time to Settle Up, you'll be able to do that via lightning, just by scanning a qr code,right in the app
I am trying to publish good content that helps people learn faster the new and exciting developments in the world of Bitcoin.
I am also trying to build a company, selling the best Bitcoin & Lightning Node (I am talking about hardware devices)
Just having a little time for fun...
Continuing to improve upon my efforts to save Bitcoiners precious time:
And of course spending a big chunk of the day on #Nostr
been playing with nostr clients for a few months. this week decided to actually write something from scratch to get a feel for the protocol. read nip-1 and wrote a little bot that publishes some bitcoin block stats every block.
Looking at writing a client that does multi-party signing of nostr messages. so imagine a nostr pubkey that is split between N people and K of them have to sign. Nick Farrow wrote a little cli to do it, but I was talking to semisol and the obvious thing is to do the coordination over nostr. so probably working on that. Also noodling on a coinswap protocol over nostr...
Things I'm working on:
  • show trending urls/posts/hashtags/people from nostr on
  • play with spam filtering approaches for nostr posts, apply to trending stuff (lot's of spam already)
  • create a custom spam-filtering relay, with NIP-05 names and LN-addresses for customers, at
Looking at bitcoin related projects and offer feedback to the best of my ability.
Some of the projects in no particular order:
Suggestions are welcomed
I'm working on a calender 📅 schedule as I'm looking to start a podcastng show next year. The theme generally will be pitching Bitcoin Vs Crypto.
I think its ease of setup is great for anyone who simply wants to run a node and play around with a few apps, and you can always migrate to something else like citadel as you become more comfortable with the tech
This weekend I used ChatGPT to build an MVP of an Sats <> USD calculator on Stack Sats.
For someone who doesn’t know any Javascript at all, ChatGPT is an insanely valuable tool.
I’m still working out some small formatting issues that ChatGPT is struggling with:
  • Trying to figure out how to get comma separators to appear in the input and output numbers (I’m using the ‘toLocaleString’ method without much luck)
  • Trying to figure out how to limit the number of digits entered to prevent overflow
  • Trying to figure out how to build an instant swap button so that someone can seamlessly change the input currency from sats to USD
If there are any javascript experts here that can point me in the right direction on any of these, that would be huge!
Are you already using type="number" with your <input>? Maybe step can help here, however, haven't tested it yet.
max and min should definitely fix this:
Trying to figure out how to limit the number of digits entered to prevent overflow
Running short on time, will check when I am back :)
this worked great, just set the maximum character length to 10. thanks!
What about the decimals points? You got it working?
yup, working correctly now 👌🏻
Awesome, let us know if there is anything else we can help you with.
I like helping people since questions like this motivate me to challenge and consolidate my existing knowledge
Or even learn something new myself
appreciate it, will do!
I've deployed yesterday. Next steps:
  • promotional postings on all the bitcoin/LN sites i know
  • promotional listings on artisats itself (users can make some easy sats)
  • get first ten users
  • get some feedback and find some bugs (there are always some)
  • explanation on what the site does and how it works
Where would you promote such a project other than and r/lightningnetwork? My twitter followers are... ahem... limited.
I've also pushed some improvements to my LN App starter: users can tip each other some sats and get notifications to their nostr public key when they receive a tip.
Started "Reading Bitcoin Podcast". - About 2 weeks now, and I'm 8 episodes in, and going great!
Working on a project helping you stand on the frontline of hyperbitcoiization: h17n
Lots of testing and learning going on in the last weeks.
  1. It's brutal trying to run a lightning app and stream payments in the background on mobile (without being an audio app).
  2. The data quality of charge point operators and infrastructure supporting the charge network is poor.
  3. Reading through the nostr protocol spec I can think of at least two ways I could integrate nostr into satimoto.
Making my own nostr client from scratch. Just messing around to learn the protocol.
Is it actually as easy as people say it is? I'm not a developer and my coding experience isn't big, it also kind of bores me a little. But I'm excited enough about nostr that I can try something myself about some idea that I have. Would it be possible to code a little client in PHP plus HTML and CSS for the interface, maybe?
So far all I've done is make the most braindead simple html/javascript page I could. All it does is show all of Matt Odell's posts: But of course I'm slowly adding more functionality to it.
Oh, that's really cool. Thank you. I think I'll be able to start small as well with the little skills I have and build from there. I have no excuse now to diving into JS, which I've been avoiding forever.
Just expanded into offering global prepaid visa default cards for EU over here. Super excited about it. :)
Freddy from AllArk
It’s not good to have ads in your every posts..
Build PowerPoint with 69 pages of photos and screenshots for noob workshop to setup RPi hardware and Umbrel including mobile management and wallet connecting.
99% in English anyone interrested?
I'm earning Sats with lightning platforms like earn carrot, fountain and SN. I'm looking for ways to get a gig with any lightning/Bitcoin-implemented platform.