I have recently set up a new node and am trying to get set up to seed the blockchain (open port 8333 and such) but have hit roadblock after roadblock.
I am running a raspberry pi 4 with bitcoin core 22.0 installed, the blockchain is downloaded and synced.
I have the raspian OS and the Verizon FIOS G3100 router.
A static IP has been assigned to the pi, and there is an active rule in the router forwarding port 8333 to the pi.. but all requests seem to partly? Fail. Bitnodes.io says my node is unreachable but I get many inbound peers that only last for a few minutes.
According to my firewall logs there are a significant number of requests on port 8333 that get rejected as "pkt_illegal".. in bitcoin-qt I will show hundreds of inbound peers.. but all drop after a few minutes.
If anyone has any thoughts as to what I might have gotten wrong, I would appreciate it.
  1. With a RaspiPi will not be recommended to use it as "seeder" for blocks. It will kill that slow machine. Use a better strong machine for that.
  2. To seed blocks your need to open the port in your router and FW the traffic to your machine IP. Also open the port in machine ufw.
  3. You should limit the traffic, by adding to your bitcoin.conf these lines:
maxuploadtarget=5000 maxconnections=15 or 20 (depends how much you want to share)
This will limit the traffic of your internet connection and also will not kill your tiny machine. Is also a decent amount of sharing. Otherwise your internet connection it will be killed and you cannot even browse normally.
All those bundle software nodes are limiting this traffic for a reason. A normal home connection is NOT recommended to do a full seed of your blockchain. Be reasonable, even if you want to share, you will not help the network but the contrary, your tiny slow machine will interrupt all time the seed process and those that were already connected will have to reconnect to other nodes.
An update for those interested.
I determined that my node was in fact connected correctly and accepting inbound peers, however, bitnode.io was automatically detecting my ipv6 ip which was apparently not open for port forwarding, when I manually input my ipv4 ip it detected me with no problem.
I was getting inbound connections before (alot of them) but they would all last a few seconds to a few minutes and none stayed connected for long.. after following the commenters advice and limiting the number of connections and the total bandwidth these connections became far more stable. Presumably the pi hardware is simply not sufficient to maintain a good connection with many peers so limiting it allowed for stable connections with a few, but I cannot be sure of this hypothesis.
Thanks for the reply,
I will take your advice.