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50 sats \ 1 reply \ @erikds 7 Oct 2023 \ parent \ on: AssumeUTXO follow-ups by fjahr bitcoin
AssumeUTXO is a feature that will make it and easier to run a node.
When you run a node it will first download the entire blockchain and validate every transaction which takes a few hours/days.
In this process your node will keep track of all bitcoins that are spendable. It stores this data in the utxo-set. Utxo is short for unspent transaction output.
The wallet in bitcoin core is only fully useable once this initial blockdownload process is completed. You cannot validate an incoming payment if you don't know the utxo set.
AssumeUTXO allows the node to request the full utxo set immediately from your peers. This allows users to receive payments without having to wait for the initial block download.
However, the security concept is slightly different
The most overrated is the censorship resistance.
Yes, no government fully censor bitcoin globally.
But censoring their citizens is trivial. The Bitcoin P2P traffic is not encrypted so my ISP could trivially block all bitcoin traffic can and break my node.
It is really difficult to use bitcoin anonymous. Most bitcoin users rely on an electrum server which is operated by a chainalysis company. Surveillance is rampant on the bitcoin network.
It might not even be possible to buy hardware that isn't spying on you in some countries with an authoritarian government.
The amount of infrastructure you need to use bitcoin is ridiculous.
If you want to pay and avoid surveillance cash is a superior tool.
The fungibility of Bitcoin is already broken. Currently, bitcoin is fungible because we generally agree it is.
Today, there are limitations such as coins that are inscriptions or have clear associations with money laundering or terrorism financing.
The only way to fix this is by creating confidential transactions. But when transactions are confidential inflation bugs might go undetected.
Tldr; yes, bitcoin fungibility is broken but possible fixes break bitcoin even more in different ways
Austrian economist Bitcoiners are generally assholes.
You are morally bankrupt if you hope for a large economic crisis which brings doom on humanity just so you can tell people "I told you so!" while sitting on a stack of bitcoin
The biggest problem is that you do not know who you are dealing with.
With traditional exchanges the IRS gets my data.
With Bisq I might get a call from the FBI about why I'm interacting frequently with organise from groups and money launderers
I remember that Microsoft had to pay huge fines because they abused their market dominance to push internet explorer.
Could a similar case be made for Apple pushing apple pay?
If catering LLM's is the goal reddit is taking a huge risk.
Trying to make ML-ventures pay for reading reddit data and blocking all apps that generate content is too much collateral damage.
Most machine-learning ventures operate using a cloud-service or a single data-center. They scrap large amounts of data from a single IP.
In the case of reddit-is-fun each queries reddit using it's own IP-address.
Just rate-limiting per IP-address might solve this problem
Apple can censor Apple apps.
But even as an Iphone user the risk of being censored is quite small.
You can walk to the shop and buy an Android phone every time you want.
The apple situations sucks. But it is still infinitely better than using twitter. Not only could apple censor twitter. You might be censored by twitter as well and there is no way to recover from that.
I like how Joe asks questions to random people in the town and makes it obvious a large majority of people doesn't care.
Can anyone let me know it when reddit gave in to the demands.
I'm missing reddit but I refuse to give them any traffic
Could you imagine if Apple would apply its own rules consistently.
Any banking-app would be banned because you could use it to purchase or donate something without giving Apple its cut.
63 sats \ 0 replies \ @erikds 13 Jun 2023 \ parent \ on: Damus may be pulled from Apple's app store nostr
No, it's not.
Follow-up question.
What would happen if the transaction gets stuck in the mempool.
Can the ASP do an RBF on the transaction or would it require all participants in the coin-join to sign the transaction again.
I've noticed that lightning doesn't work well when using Tor. It seems that routing fails and I'm unable to transact.
Will Ark suffer similar problems?