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0 sats \ 0 replies \ @bitcoinplebdev OP 8h \ parent \ on: I built a Nostr MCP Server devs
Sorry! Replied to wrong comment lol
I did see this though, thanks for sharing!
Amazing thank you so much for the thorough feedback!
I agree with you in general about the JavaScript portion. This is a big jump and ideally I would like to do this in more baby steps (probably 3-4 individual lessons). I am planning on updating / improving the starter course soon (this was the first version and I actually filmed it in a single weekend lol) so a lot of little improvements I want to add!
I'm generally not a fan of quiz's (and it's a lot to build into the platform) but a few people have suggested it so far so I'll consider how it could be done easily.
Coding exercises are something that is a little more realistic and doable. There are repo "submissions" built into the platform so I could lean into this more (requiring submission for most lessons) but also embedding a codepen directly into a lesson is possible as well.
The lesson tracking can be a bit fickle still... In general it should trigger a lesson as completed after 80% of the video has been watched but this doesn't always trigger correctly. I think I will add a manual checkbox to allow you to mark it as completed if the auto lesson tracking doesn't work. I know progress is important and I want to make it encouraging and seamless on the platform! Still a ways to go.
Things will keep improving, thank you again for the support and feedback!
Dude yeah great to meet, and thank you! I wont dox you don't worry haha
I'm following you on Github now so keep pushing commits and let me know if you get stuck again 🫡
Sorry about the trouble... Wanna jump on call today? I think we can figure this out in a few mins probably
This is a super common Git authentication issue! I have to do some googling everytime I go through this process myself, it's kind of annoying...
- First, ensure you've configured Git with your GitHub email and username:
git config --global user.name "Your GitHub Username"
git config --global user.email "your@github.email"
- Create a personal access token (PAT) on GitHub:
Go to GitHub.com → Settings → Developer settings → Personal access tokens → Tokens (classic)
Generate new token
Select repo scope
Copy the generated token
- When pushing, use HTTPS with your token:
git remote set-url origin https://YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME:YOUR_PAT@github.com/YOUR_USERNAME/YOUR_REPO.git
Finally you can try:
git push -u origin main
If you're still having issues, verify:
- Your GitHub account has write access to the repository
- You're using the correct repository URL
I'm thinking about it but i've seen a lot of UX nightmares with lnauth, do people actually want and like lnauth login? Maybe if it's just a backup or recovery auth method?
It wasn't until I built it! It is a home for ALL of the plebdevs content and communications. There are courses, documents, videos, feeds, most free, some paid, all zapable! (psst also it's nostr client)