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0 sats \ 0 replies \ @anthony OP 5 Oct 2021 \ on: @anthony's bio bitcoin
I didn’t realize this was a public post lol.
Never mind I figured out the issue. I didn’t realize you needed to create an account by having or reserving a node @k00b
I’m trying to join and it keeps saying it doesn’t recognize the code @k00b
21 Lessons is also available as a free ebook from Swan Bitcoin. https://event.swanbitcoin.com/21lessons/
I also recommend Inventing Bitcoin (free ebook with referral link) which is the first book on Bitcoin I ever read. It was oddly engaging.
Great work as always! I really hope Stacker News takes off and becomes the Reddit/Hacker News of the Bitcoin community.
I log in via Lightning and I have not had that issue. When I run out of sats, I need to add more to my account.
Test post please ignore
Don't tell me what to do. /s
Also, great article. Gigi puts out quality content.
Did you used to show the Ethereum logo? My guess is this is jack proclaiming his preference for Bitcoin in a passive-aggressive way.