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I like to buy Bitcoin on CashApp, but use Muun and Ledger as my wallets. I'll most likely use the Block wallet when it comes out.
I want to assume positive intent that they really are doing this with child well-being at the core, BUT, I guarantee that some in the system see the exploitative opportunity in this. Hopefully it doesn't get passed.
Sign the petition if you haven't already.
I signed the petition yesterday after reading the EFF write up about it. While written out of good intentions, massive consequences.
What do you think is the best hardware bitcoin wallet? I only use Ledger for Bitcoin, so thinking about going after a bitcoin only tool.
Mozilla is just tanking. Brave is the best browser out there anyway. I really dig Chrome for web dev work, but outside of that, Brave is the go-to.
Only P2P transactions on CashApp from now on. Got it. Forget business, we're all just friends helping each other out 😂