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94 sats \ 0 replies \ @_stacktoshi 19 Mar \ parent \ on: Boxed Meat Wars: Good Ranchers vs. Omaha Steaks AskSN
Grocery store, butcher shop, wherever…
There's enough opportunity out there. Be the change you wish to see in the world.
War stocks are the ultimate broken window fallacy. Sure there's a short term pay off for the window glazer, but what the tailor could have done with his money now must be re-spent on his store instead.
AnCap here as well. I don't mind the government holding it as much as I mind people cheering on the government to hold it, and ignoring everything else they've fucked up. I don't think most people grasp the evil large groups of people with guns and a money printer are capable of perpetrating and the amount of history they've attempted to rewrite stating otherwise, and the amount of gullibility that they take advantage of.
This SBR was as inevitable as Mexican drug cartels exporting avacados, so please explain why the fuck are we supposed to cel-le-brate it?
So, you think this is show? What am I gaining? Internet points? Okay, you're right. I secretly am rooting for Team America. They always win, so therefore, they'll keep winning and I better get on board whatever their doing. Fuck Russia, Go BLM. Go Russia, fuck BLM. Israel can't do anything wrong. Take over Canada. Fuck yeah!
Your definition of a loser seems to be someone who rejects thuggery & theft. But I'm really confused that your reject the Cantillon effect, which is thuggery to the nth degree. The mental gymnastics here...
So I’m cucked because I don’t want to celebrate all that, even if it were true?
The SBR validates our theses, yes. But we shouldn’t sit on our bags and allow them to abuse the “public purse” (stolen resources) to enrich themselves at the expense of those around us, good people who are just a bit slow to adjust to major changes.
Really trying to make sense of your first two statements... I never claimed otherwise and NSA??? Even if that crackpot theory turned out to be true, the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing in government. Actually, if it was the NSA, 6102 would make perfect sense to secure "national wealth".
Who's money did they use to establish the SBR? Was it moral?
Fuck this. How is it a giant leap? Would an SBR still be wonderful if the govt just 6102'd MSTR and IBIT?
We're not cucked for wanting the world's most powerful and most indebted government to stop its fuckery, and allow plebs more time to take back their financial freedom.
I sure hope it's not a 6102. Can you imagine the backlash from bitcoiners and libertarians that pushed Orange Hitler over the edge against Kamala?
I think he'll just declare that the legally owned coins that the government currently has in position will be added to the "SCR", plus all the other shit he mentioned the other day. Anything else will require congress. But if you need congress to approve crypto purchases, then that means it's just their criminally forfeited BTC and ETH for now.
Afterwards is a long time though. And the more verifiable preliminary counts that feed into the final count, the harder it is to mess with the final count. Add voter receipts + nonces that can be verified against a zero-knowledge proof after certification, then you should be able to rule out all kinds of fraud, except for the brainwashing. Solution there is just to limit the fuck out of government power so that there's little incentive to brainwash. I'm talking just courts and national defense.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @_stacktoshi 17 Jan \ parent \ on: SpaceX Starship's 7 Stream - 10 PM UTC science
I think he meant volume of offers vs bids. But any exchange volume could also be fixed relative to some class of buyer or seller e.g. day traders vs. long term investors (retail or institutional)
Look up the definition of "rent seeking" and please tell me how it applies here.
You think the answer to scarce resource allocation is let's get government involved??
Economically illiterate, step-1 thinking CBS reporters implying landlords taking highest bids are the worst of humanity https://youtu.be/surr_WuGHgc?si=rf5k7joRSNGvhs77&t=678
Believing housing will magically be supplied by capping prices and vilifying suppliers who use a market mechanism to determine need ain't gonna get you anywhere, sweethearts.
All we need is wealthy homeless buying more than they need because prices are capped.