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27 sats \ 5 replies \ @SimpleStacker 19h \ parent \ on: Is the school system failing today’s students? AskSN
That's awesome. Did he ever talk to you about some of the challenges and struggles, as well as success stories, from his teaching career?
Teaching has a lot of highs and lows. You can really make a huge difference in some students' lives, but the attitude of others just makes you weep for humanity.
And I don't see that changing without massive reforms to the educational bureaucracy.
Even private school teachers don't get paid that well, I think because the government is a de facto monopsonist of teachers and therefore set the prevailing wage.
As an American educator, I have to say yes. The students being produced by the school system, even the ones going to college, are ill equipped in basic math, reading, and writing.
What can be done? I'm not 100% sure. A few thoughts.
Teaching needs to be a high prestige profession. In America, none of the talented college students I know are interested in becoming teachers. (And I know a lot of college students; they wall want to become doctors, engineers, or businesspeople).
Bad teachers need to be fireable. Current teacher union power in K-12 systems makes this too dififcult.
Schools should be allowed to experiment. Top down education doesn't work since every community has different needs. I understand the desire for everyone to meet a standard, but too much top down management stifles local creativity.
Kids who don't meet grade standards should be held back. This is tricky because performance is measured by pass-rates, and funding can be determined by performance. Funding can't be tied to a poor metric like pass rates or graduation rates or attendance. It has to be tied to learning
And, lastly but maybe most importantly: parents need to take an active role in raising their children. Too many just hand them off to the schools and expect the schools to fix everything. That is too much burden for the school system to bear.
- Partly, this is an economic problem and many families are squeezed and require both parents to work full time, leaving little time for parenting the kid. Bitcoin fixes this? Maybe, and I hope so.
- Partly, it's also a cultural problem. Too many Americans think it's socially normal and even desirable to be bad at school or "hate math" or whatever. I think that's pathetic. If you're bad at math, fine. We can work on getting better. If you don't have the time to get better because you have other priorities... that's fine too as long as you know what you're doing and have thought carefully about your priorities. But to "hate" learning and think it boring is a very problematic attitude.
I'm not sure how much of it is these old politicians trusting too much young crypto scammers, versus actually wanting to run a scam.
In any case, Joe Nakamoto's video on crypto scams should be required viewing for understanding the lay of the land in "crypto"
Ah, I forgot that I haven't paid out this bounty yet. This was my favorite one so would you like payment by SN zap or by lightning?
Yes, here in the dystopia known as LA, pharmaceuticals must be locked behind cabinets so that looters can't grab them. Even toothpaste might be locked behind cabinets
It's for the prestige. Heck if I had the money I'd buy an nba team even if the rate of return was close to 0%, I just need it to fund its own operations I don't need a profit
He should've made 3 plots:
- Bitcoin
- shitcoins accepted by Phub, excluding bitcoin)
- shitcoins not accepted by Phub
I think if he really wants to prove his point while also addressing @denlillaapan's concerns, he'd create a basket of everything Phub accepts, excluding bitcoin, and compare it to the basket of shitcoins that Phub didn't accept.
136 sats \ 0 replies \ @SimpleStacker 14 Feb \ parent \ on: Why don't the known bitoiners shill SN more? meta
fwiw, I like stacker.news for what it is. Nostr just seems like a Twitter clone, designed for doom scrolling, hot takes, and meme posting. It's not a format that lends itself well for more in depth conversation. I agree with @DarthCoin when he says SN is more like BitcoinTalk / Reddit
Nice, I usually have to resist the temptation to resign if I fall for a trap and lose my queen. It's worth it to play on and see if you can pull a rabbit out of the hat, or at least gun for a stalemate
It's also been demonstrated that smarter people are actually more set in their ideology because they're better at self justifying
Libertarian theory does not prescribe a complete culture or lifestyle framework, but rather enables the peaceful proliferation of endless ways to live. However, no matter what form a free society may take, at its heart, freedom does require a society-wide intellectual and spiritual culture that values justice and reason over brute force in order to survive. For freedom to flourish, enough individuals and institutions must embrace the principle that an objective morality is discoverable, that might does not make right, and act accordingly. Such a culture would ensure that might generally lands on the side of right ensuring a general condition of peace and safety prevails.
Is this realistic, though?