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LND had added a tag for on chain transactions awhile back, wonder if they have or could add one for invoices too.
If you are a lightning wallet dev, stop allowing users to specify memos in invoices. If you must, maintain a description of the payment that's just saved locally in your wallet db.
Chain analytic companies, exchanges, and governments are taking advantage of this.
You wouldn't use AOPP to verify an address for an exchange complying with VASP/FAFTA bullshit, don't sign custom messages with your lightning node by being tricked into creating what seems like a simple invoice & memo and handing that to an exchange.
I respect anyone writing software and building the change they seek, but I feel like their explanation isn’t accurate. BTCPayServer CAN be ran on a $5 VPS and it CAN be one click deployed to providers that support bitcoin. Simplicity is one thing but if this is the rationale then I really don’t see why one would use this over something that has had much more eyes and security audits on.
For someone not on twitter, I like seeing some of the top stuff that I might have not otherwise seen. I'd love to see a twitter API integration for previews so that I don't have to actually click the URL. It's painful for those not logged in.
Just realized I can go back and view posts I upvoted before by going to profile -> statistics -> spent
I’m one of those people that upvote first read later sometimes 😂
feels weird that it's the 3rd one down, seems like it would be good if it was at the top as if it were a "pinned" announcement thread.
I'm sorry but you're wrong, especially in your generous use of extreme statements such as "show nothing", "any way", and "full privacy". Not only is probing a privacy concern for public channels but it's a concern for these "unannounced" channels you think are private as well. It's in my linked guide above, give that a read and let me know if you have any questions.
Keysend doesn't add any privacy whatsoever, it relies on knowing the pubkey on the node just the same as in an invoice.
With channel probing, a very common practice, others can know the true balance of a channel. Sure, there could have been many payments back and forth in the ~19s (less if already have an idea of the prev balance) it takes to re-probe a channel on average, but practically speaking that's not the reality that it changes that much for an every day user that quickly.
Was a really fun event, props to the Houston crew for putting it together. A strong group of bitcoiners!
A few comments on this:
- This is very well possible and I know for a fact it’s not the first place to do lightning analytics, though it’s the first public offering.
- To get an idea of how they would do analytics, read this. I wrote it specifically because this was happening / was possible and I felt the need to let lightning users know they aren’t “hand wavy” safe just by using lightning. I know chainalysis read/shared it when it was released. 😅