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0 sats \ 0 replies \ @MinatoPay OP 18 Jan 2023 \ parent \ on: Feature Release: Instant Withdrawals bitcoin
Ah that's a much better way, and preferred all around.
You mean at MinatoPay.com?
Currently we only support LN withdrawal, although on-chain withdrawal is something we will add in the future.
Yep we're new, check out our post on stacker news regarding launching: #72154
We are currently working on that jurisdiction piece. It's not too obvious for us because we're looking for a jurisdiction where we don't have to KYC our customers.
Our Twitter is actually https://twitter.com/Minato_Pay, when signing up, we tried to register @MinatoPay but found it was suspended. We should list our Twitter on our website, will make that update sometime soon!
Whoa, Kevin thanks for posting! I'm a really big fan of your podcast :). Thank you for the work you do for the community.
Curious to hear your thoughts on the article. It's something that I've personally experienced being on both sides (working in the payment processing industry, and being a entrepreneur that was frustrated by the existing system).
Glad to hear it worked fine.
Yes the admin dashboard is very minimal at the moment, but that will be improved soon. You can see your account balance with a GET request to https://api.minatopay.com/v1/account/balance/
Can you tell me about what would be required to convert you features wise?
With transaction fee %, this is something we're experimenting with. It may be that for some merchants, the privacy aspect is well worth the 1% difference, but this requires some market research.
It's because my lightning node doesn't have a channel with outbound capacity to other wallets yet. This means that a payment to those wallets will have to be routed through other nodes, which take fees along the way.
For example, a 1k sat payment to another wallet can easily cost greater than 5%. Larger payments usually have a smaller % fee due to costs being made up of a base fee and a fixed %.
But as I connect to more nodes and build greater capacity, this problem should go away soon.
Hey fiatjaf, we just launched. You can see our post here
Hey there, we just launched. You can see our post here
Hey there, we just launched. You can see our post here
Hey there, we just launched. You can see our post here
Hey there, we just launched. You can see our post here
Hey there, we just launched. You can see our post here
Hey there, we just launched. You can see our post here
Hey there, we just launched. You can see our post here