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105 sats \ 0 replies \ @CruncherDefi 19 Mar \ on: Cashu: Bitcoin freebanking bitcoin
I can imagine a world in which at the entry of each conference/adhoc-party/amusement park/shopping_centrethere/music_festival/casino there will be 'cashu mint point' for that place in which I can top up my account and go shopping/buy services at the venue.
I can imagine a world, in which each app in which you can top-up your account is a cashu bank: starbucks app, shein app, steam. Due to using same protocol those app could interface with each other. Also each app would have their own reputation to maintain competing with each other.
I really wish that setting up Cashu mint would be so simple and working out of the box, that I could create an ad-hoc setup just for the singular party event I am hosting at some specific day, and tear it down next day after party is finished.
Business class prices are so absurd that I always suspected that some kind of co-evolution takes place.
- Goverment (and perhaps corporations?) spend money on travel regardless of the costs (its not 'my money' so I want business class!)
- Airlines notices that ticket buyers are almost infinitely price elastic so they increase prices
- (Optional step?) Airline representatives corrupt govs into signing business-class travel deals.
- GOTO 1.
Perhaps one source that powers up this flywheel got cut off.
1 . About the 'forever' part:
What makes you think this war would last forever? Russia is weak compared to US.
2 . About the 'should' part:
Deal so far was "USA is global policeman and protects NATO countries; NATO countries pay the policeman by buying and holding US bonds/US dollars in their treasuries".
USA was not doing policing by the kindness of their heart lol. It was a transaction.
And if you are paid for a service you should fulfill your part. Unless US wants to stop that deal - which is fair but in that case US should not 'suggest' NATO countries to use&hold dollars anymore.
My intuition is that being a global policeman and collecting a tribute from half the word for that service is a pretty good place to be. So its probably in US best interest to maintain that position.
This "funding" the war stuff is just prolonging a war that should have lasted weeks.
Should have lasted weeks with what result? With "Russia takes Ukraine with little cost" result?
Think about game theory here. If 'do war' action is a profitable strategy, any rational player WILL play the 'do war' action again and again. Eventually it will be played against you or you ally.
How do you solve (obtain pareto-optimal solution) prisoner dilemma game? By modifying reward matrix and converting it into trivial game in which cooperation is always better than defecting. You do that by making defecting action more costly.
Its wild to listen to left wingers criticize a president for peace talks. Its wild for the right to be pushing to end conflict
"Peace at all costs" is very poor strategy theory-game wise (modelling war as iterated prisoner-dilemma game). It an open invitation for 'always defect' players that will wreck the 'peace at all costs' player.
They don't think that any punishment severe enough to deter Russia
Here is another interesting thing about game theory. Mathematically speaking optimal actions depend ONLY on opponent reward matrix.
So pretending to be crazy/irrational is very basic international-game-theory strategy. If you can convince others that you are crazy and your reward matrix is actually different than common-sense one (for example by saying "Spreading communism is worth all the human lives sacrificed!" or something like that) you might get away extracting more reward at the expense of others.
But I would imagine that todays politics are savvy enough to see through it.
How about using mathematical game theory?
War/Peace is game-theoric Prisoner Dillema. If we want to increase probability of having pareto-optimal solution (peace-peace) we want to increase penalty on 'War' action (which would include helping Ukraine).
If 'war' is profitable (which might be the case if US doesn't help Ukraine), the rational actor is incentivized to play 'war' again and again. And it just a matter of time until 'war' is played against you or your allies, so it's better to penalize the war-strategy player early (and achieve pareto-optimal solution earlier).
I will say though that statistically none of us should exist, so
That not how statistics work.
If humans would not exist, you would not be writing this post in the first place.
In other words. You are mixing prior probability with posterior probability. Prior probability of 'us existing' might be astronomically small (or not - we don't know), but in a world in which you already exist that probability is 100%. And knowing posterior probability gives you zero information on prior probability in this case.
P(humans_exist) != P(humans_exist | you_exist) and you only can measure the P(humans_exist | you_exist) part which equals 100%.
Of course he is smart.
The problem I have with him that he seems to be emotionally immature. Which might be dangerous when paired with being smart.
If the russian aggresion rationale is "Ukraine wants to join NATO" that kinda proves the point that joining NATO would be the good idea for them right all along, right?
Is that even a question? Elections are not held while at war and are postpones till the war is over. At least that the case with law in most democratic countries so Ukraine probably also qualifies.
I see. I don't like it. It makes distribution in my opinion quite unfair.
This kind of distribution scheme works with bitcoin - all tokens are fungible - if you join mining late, those late mined bitcoins are fungible with early mined bitcoins. I argue that it makes it fair in bitcoin case.
But not so in names case. Names are not fungible. Short/better names are more desirable and are going to be taken first. So late joiners are at the mercy of early joiners - you cannot own a good taken name without a permission of early user who took it.
(Also it kinda explains why you don't have a token to finance yourself - early users will have short names that are worth more).
I bet they are the same 'russians' who blew up the european gas pipeline
No one claims that russians dit that lol.
You have to renew a name once per year, which is just a bitcoin tx
What is the cost of renewal? Is there another auction that gives others opportunity to take over the name?
I was interested in the project last time and I am getting confused why would we need the market.
For what duration you own the name after initial burning-bitcoin auction?
Like time I checked breathing recycles carbon in the loop (CO2 in air is collected by plants that collect solar energy -> we eat plants -> we exhale CO2 created from releasing chemical energy).
And burning fossil fuels add ADDITIONAL carbon to the current conditions system (carbon was blocked from the ecosystem loop hidden underground -> we extract it to the surface -> we burn it and release into atmosphere)
So, with due respect, comparing it to the breathing is just plain stupid.
Why not? Obviously they won't be opening channels to every client they have. And they need to decide on SOMEONE to peer with. So the good choice is picking someone with a lot of liquidity and good connectivity - like exchange.