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0 sats \ 0 replies \ @Caleb 22 Sep 2024 \ on: What's you relationship with caffeine like? alter_native
One espresso every other Saturday or so.
Sometimes the power mad psychopaths can’t be reasoned with. Sometimes freedom must be taken. It’s just been so many generations in so many parts of the world that people think it’s the default. Slavery and poverty are the default.
Would be nice if I’m wrong though.
There are dozens of books and thousands of articles and videos on this. It’s like asking for people’s opinions on complex topologies in math. It’s better to study.
You still have laws, but not a monopoly on violence. You agree to rules in order to live in a community. If you don’t like it, you move. You can have a market for most things.
In bear markets, I watch the pods and the feeds. In bull markets, I watch the price.
Content in bull markets is dog water. “Trump farted and it sounded like Bitcoin, 10m by end of week predicted” is the synopsis of like 20 different 45 minute long videos.
I watch the price but not like a paper handed cuck. I watch it like a psychopath. When it goes up, I giggle like a Disney villain. When it goes down, I smash the buy button, and giggle like a Disney villain.
In bull markets, I consume less content and spend more time talking with friends, family, no coiners, haters. I talk to billionaires, ditch diggers, everyone in between. No one gets it. We’re still so early. At least they’ve heard of it now.
I’ve been alive long time and it only just occurred to me last week that some people actively try to figure out widely acceptable opinions and adopt them with some minor variations. I thought everyone else was making up their own minds about stuff and didn’t care about social validation.
It’s a good question. IMO, Incentives aren’t there. Breaking testnet gets you 0 dollars and internet kudos. If you want lots of security, you put a big incentive out there and then wait for it to explode. Bitcoin did this perfectly by slowly ramping up value and being very conservative in development.
What are the chances you think you’ll be closed to new ideas when you get older? It’s close to a certainty without vigilance
Isn’t this like Calorie vs calorie. Usually, when you talk about “calories” in food, technically you’re talking about 1000 calories or kilocalories or kcal but no one does that.
Run your own nodes. Bitcoin on i2p and tor, lightning on tor.
Don’t talk about your stack.
Use sparrow wallet for coinjoin connected to your own wallet. Once you have “enough” mixes, sweep to cold storage. Your utxos are as private as the lowest anonymity set. I’ll assume you know about utxo management since you self custody.
Once blinded paths are more common, send bad bank utxos to boltz and send them to your lightning node.
If you need to, trade your Bitcoin for cuck bucks on a DEX or local meetup. The people with guns get suspicious if you start buying a lot of stuff you couldn’t possibly afford.
For bigger stuff, I don’t know because I lost all my Bitcoin in a tragic accident but maybe you gamble at a casino or start a charity or church, perhaps in another country.
Reading a book isn't a binary process. It's a gradient. Some books you fly though, not really paying attention, some you need to read, re-read, read discussions about it, think, discuss, etc. Some books I read and have no idea what's going on, but I let all the terminology wash over me and I pickup tidbits here and there. Then I read it again later after I've read some more stuff. Depends on how much I care. I read a LOT of really random stuff or I listen to lectures. I don't stress if I don't understand some concept. It's clear once you start working with the material.
Most people I've met have had reading ruined for them by school. Instead of thinking of reading as a fun, intellectual exercise they think of stress and boring. I heartily recommend How To Read a Book https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=81F5C5943EFCB5F70B7CABEEC89AFA41 if you want some help here. Really helped rehabilitate me after school even though I was reading for pleasure already.
When I first saw these headlines back when they happened I thought the timing was too convenient. It must be an inside job to hide assets, but I was wrong. It was a pretty involved operation of the indictment is to be believed.
These stories are always useful to keep track of what sites log information and how authorities track people. You need to read the actual indictment though because articles never cover the right detail.
How did authorities crack the case? What was the entry point? Once they know who did it, it’s a lot easier to monitor and get more info.
The perps created fake IDs, went to several states, and tried to do sim swaps on the victims. So there may be security camera footage. The authorities would have known in what stores the sim swaps happened so they could narrow down what phones went to those locations. Perps also used SMS, email, messaging apps, and encrypted messaging apps to talk to each other. But you can’t just grep against all text messages even if you’re the FBI, but they could get phone logs in a radius of the stores. Not clear if they ever used their personal phones.
Right now, we’d all agree the perpetrators were criminals, but later, the definition of criminal may get a little weird and may include owning Bitcoin or using encrypted chats.
It’s right out there with fed hiking rates. It affects high growth, speculative, tech stuff. Market really wants efficiency and everyone is tightening belts. Lots of big tech companies are laying off a lot. Maybe they’re also fucking up, I dunno.
The worst people to talk to about Bitcoin are the ones who took economics classes. Talk about “domesticated”. They have full blown Stockholm syndrome. “The government isn’t stealing from you, simpleton, let me explain how they’re boosting aggregate demand and keeping people from hoarding their way into a deflationary death spiral!”
I love watching people come to Bitcoin, question the money, find out we’ve been lied to, start asking questions about food, wars, the media, “conspiracy theories” and realizing we’ve been lied to about that.
Maybe it’s hard to tell from text, but I’m not bemoaning anything. I presented a theory that explains past data and I think will be accurate predicting future data. Your thesis is mutually exclusive from mine. I’m not saying all long form content isn’t appreciated by anyone and you’re not explaining how copy pasting a link from Twitter gets so many sats.
I’ve seen this play out with many communities from hacking, to D&D, to Napster, to Bitcoin. As this site gets more popular and we get a lower geek to mop ratio, it’s going to take more effort to sift through the noise to find good content. I don’t see anything different in the incentive structure here to prevent what happened to Twitter 20 years ago.
Watching people on here and nostr slowly realize what Facebook, Twitter and all the others figured out a decade ago. Most people, most of the time, are only capable of continuous partial attention. They don’t want challenging, calorically expensive content that makes them think and change their minds. They want to have their brains tickled while on the toilet, at a red light, while they should be working, etc.
At least you’re paid for generating content here, but to fight against these tendencies is to fight against how brains are wired.
They’re not one entity. So you have a lot of agenda playing out. They’re also dumb at the local level and smarter at the bigger level.
If this is in any way successful, it should be possible to mitigate. It looks like this just imperceptibly perturbs the image to confuse feature extraction. Neat, but for many kinds of training, you may add a lot of noise or remove information so you can have more training data and the model generalizes better. Those types of trainings should be resistant to this type of poisoning.
It’s probably very easy to detect these types of perturbations and smooth them out. basically if it looks the same to the eye, you should be able to make it look the same to your convolutional kernel or whatever.
My heart truly goes out to artists, designers, editors, and anyone else that makes stuff that’s easily replicable with AI, even programmers to an extent. The shoggoths are here and we have to adapt.
Legacy, dinosaur, Web 1.0 social media sites are fueled by ads. This means they make money off of YOUR attention and YOUR content. It’s bad enough they don’t share revenue with you, but if they’re going to abuse you either intentionally or with shit automated systems then drop them immediately with great prejudice. Forever. Period.
Spend that time on sites like this one. Give this site your attention. You’ll stack more sats instead of fake Reddit epeen. Make something. Read a book. Talk to family or neighbors. Reddit is 95% bots and 5% the dumbest takes from the dumbest people.