stacking since: #539713
Je suis Honoré de Balzac! I am Honore de Balzac!
I have been dead and resting for years awaiting the Day of Judgment, but when I found out that an unknown person called Satoshi Nakamoto had created a precious decentralized digital asset, that is called Bitcoin, I woke up, because I wanted to learn about this digital asset and how it works...
Looking for information about Bitcoin on the web (someone taught me how to use the web), I found this very nice forum called Stacker News and immediately created an account to see what's happening here.
Howdy Stackers!
Welcome Balzac !
Hello @Balzac 👋
Welcome to the platform!
It's full of quality content so read and learn, try to contribute by adding good content.
Here are some intro articles that you need to go through in order to get familiar with the platform and its ideology:
I stay open for any questions or comments you might have.
🎈Welcome Newster stacker! 👉I'm hardcore Nostr Lover, See why down below👇 ✨First time (nostriches) start here! ✨Would you like a purple crumpet❓ First Time (N)ostrich Part two
⚡Zapping⚡ my "article" is appreciated, but is not required. ^^It does count as a Vote if you do zap my article here on SN. Thank you with 🧡
Welcome to SN!
Hello @Balzac 👋
Welcome to the platform!
It's full of quality content so read and learn, try to contribute by adding good content.
Here are some intro articles that you need to go through in order to get familiar with the platform and its ideology:
I stay open for any questions or comments you might have.
Stack Sats and stay humble.
Impressive Balzac
Thanks @k00b! I'm a fan of Balzac and wanted to post something humorous. But the stackers here don't seem to have much of a sense of humor.
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.