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21 sats \ 1 reply \ @1c8c319862 4 Sep 2023 \ parent \ on: Admit what shitcoins you used to own... judgement free zone. bitcoin
ethhead empror is so lol - he sometimes mines for boogers in his nose too
The following does not have to do with OPs question, but I'd love to share some thoughts anyway.
Do your rememebr waht happend during the last cycle? There was a huge POS (Piece of Shit) attack coming from shitcoiners. Specifically ethheads, who were marketing their ultra-sound-money POS (Piece of Shit), in such a way, that it supposedly is better than POW coins. They even went so far as to call for the "flippening" and believed that their POS (Piece of Shit) would be crowned the new King. However, their attack failed and their next attack will fail again.
If you come for the King, you better not miss.
I'd make sure to spin up a few more nodes and signal POW only, the I'd dump my POS coins for POW coins on the market
Did ou know that a group of crows is called a murder?
Yes, you heard that right! When crows gather together, they ared reffred to as murder. Howver, you do not need to get alarmed by these feathered creatures, since their name does not refelct their criminal behavior at all.
IMPORTANT: Take notice of this fun fact and the next time you see a bunch of crows hanging out together, definitely do not panic—I repeat do not panic—and start shouting "It's a murder!" Unless it actually is.. but that's another story...
Will this be recorded, so that we can watch it later? I am still at work... (but secretlcy on stacker.news too)
I'd recommend you to ckeck out bitcoin.rocks on nostr:
and more importantly, if you like their stickers, they have open-sourced their sticker files. So you can open shop wherever you are: