20,896 sats stacked
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One app - all things Bitcoin

Do we need yet another Lightning wallet? Yes! - but 10101 (TenTenOne) is not just a wallet.
  • Self-custodial trading over Lightning: Fully colleteralized trading. We can't touch your precious BTC, only you hold the keys.
  • Self-sovereign by default: Lightning node packaged into the app running on your phone.

Your keys, your coins!

You want to use your Bitcoin for trading without the need to go to a central exchange or swap your precious Bitcoin into a 💩coin? - This is for you!
10101 brings trading back to Bitcoin - self-custodial, fully collateralized. Even if we would like to run away with your funds: We can't. DLCs (Discreet Log Contracts) protect your funds during each trade.
The 10101 app packages a Lightning node that runs on your phone. No dependency on other Lightning infrastructure - unless you want to plug into your own node. For interacting with the Bitcoin blockchain you can plug in your own Electrum node or use a public Electrum node. Self-sovereignty guaranteed.
For additional comments on 10101 wallet, see also other posts found here on SN:
Introducing 10101 - One app, all things Bitcoin (aka a LN-wallet with DLCs) #104296
10101: Announcing closed beta for noncustodial Lightning wallet #107765
I like the way you talk purdy.
Welcome Binary Ventiuno
You want to use your Bitcoin for trading
That, right there, I stopped reading more. That say it all: useless CRAP APP. Bitcoin is not for "trading with".
And no, you can't have one app - all things bitcoin. That's bullshit.