4,843 sats stacked
stacking since: #5414
There is a cool anonymous way to use stacker.news.
Select log in with Lightning. Copy the LNURL. Go to https://coinos.io and use it anonymously. Press Send in the bottom. Paste the LNURL. Default password for anonymous satoshi users is 'password'.
Thank you, @relc! Everything was OK, but I feel even better and warmly welcome now. Respect.
Now, another cool thing is that sending 1sat from coinos.io to stacker.news works with no fee.
Yeah. Super cool. Thanks for sharing!
Just bringing to your attention, @k00b.
Welcome aboard!
That's neat! I wonder if they're doing virtual wallets and modify the signing step of lnurl auth or spinning up a new lightning node for every user. I suspect the latter, but cool either way.
I'm at some point going to have every user who signs up get 10 sats, so knowing users can create Sybils this easily is good to know.